clean calls by crash

Гео и язык канала: Индия, Хинди
Категория: Инстаграм

nothings financial advice, do what u want
just dont blame me if u lose yet be silent when u win

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Гео и язык канала
Индия, Хинди
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Ok ended up putting an album of 25 ppl actually

This is 100% biased/handpicked based on ppl I’ve seen genuine or over months or even a year+

Some ppl can hate on that but I know these accounts can also validate they won too if needed unlike many accounts that may not

But what’s worse is when just bots or random fake not genuine accounts win

These are all real ppl I can be happy to know got $3275 each

The last 5 I will random select in here with some bot or tool

Will take some time to send to 30 people obv, hopefully finish by tmrw or day after since gotta play tag in DMs with all 30 ppl

Took me like 90 minutes just to make sure solid genuine ppl win

* one person was a duplicate so actually 6 more

ive spent an hour now scrolling thru X, my likes, and bookmarks to find solid genuince cool ppl to share this with

Ill pick 20

and random pick 10 here

gonna take a little to make sure it goes to solid ppl and not just bot or fake/not genuine ppl`


There’s 1 g who follows me who I know got setback to zero

So I want that person to get $5k

Then the 95k I will divide evenly amongst 29 then

So $3275 each

Should I do

Option 1: $5,000 to 20

Option 2: Or $3333 to 30

Heart for option 1

Thumbs up for option 2

Now I just need to pick 20 guys to receive $5,000 each

I’m gonna hand pick 10 that I see have supported me

And then random pick 10 in here will find some picker or telegram tool to try to do this in front of all ideally

With the way the market is rn and not much money flowing in memes atm

I’m gonna start giving away $100,000 to u guys as my punishment for Bull not being #1 meme on Tron by March

I figure $5000 now can go a long way during this dip

Compared to at higher prices

Yo bros

A mindset shift I have for any coins I look at now is

“It can’t be a coin that I just think could go to 300M” for example

“It has to be a coin that I myself would still be loading tf up on at 200M,300M,400M, 500M- to go to billions”

If I myself would still be hungry to buy a coin 200x higher than where I got in originally

Instead of wanting to sell THERE 200x higher

That’s a coin that can go to billions and that I can keep buying hundred times higher bc I still believe it goes way higher with ease

And it’s not like I TRY to hurt anyone on Bull

I literally am down -$300k to soon -$400k if not n1 meme on Tron by March 22 by buying more and paying for things to try and support

It’s just that it’s very hard to create enough net positivity for everyone to eat

If it’s not a perfect coin that goes big big big and expands to many circles around the world

You end up in a situation where ur own ppl would have to fight each other for the food/liquidity and i end up not being able to make any profit bc coin doesn’t go BIG enough to expand massively outside of me and anyone following me

They would’ve made 20M+ in allocations in the last year lol

This is fact

I’ve shared only BULL after Brett

Which I learned even hitting 330M market cap

It’s not big enough success for me to be able to make any profit, and I end up losing -$300k to -$400k

So yeah that’s the state of where I’m at rn

When I had less than 30k followers, everyone could eat much more easily

At this point it’s hard to create enough net positivity to feed this many ppl

The only way to make sure everyone eats

Is going to billions

Or else I’d just end up hurting the ppl that follow me like on BULL

So many people in my position

Would’ve shilled u 1000 coins post Brett

And taken a million allocation deals with all that “hype” or “power”

If a coin doesn’t BLOW TF UP MASSIVE

Everyone is allowed to sell

Besides crash

So basically I’m getting into a market

Where everyone I share with can sell

Except for me

It’s a disadvantage and as u can see why I don’t have any desire to make calls anymore bc I literally can’t win unless it blows tf up massively

But then I see bunch of ppl like “crash has to call this again it’s election week or did he abandon us”

It’s like noooo…. the run already happened!

The actual election week everyone wants to offload their trump coins

But what do I do

I share it again bc I don’t want ppl to think I’m disloyal or “abandon” them

Then these ppl do what?

They want to dump ofc around the election!

Hence why I would never want to call it again

But end up doing it for those ppl

Memecoins only worked when I was smaller sub 30k followers

At this point for me it’s either

Go to billions

Or no point in sharing, I’ll just lose money


I literally explain how the point of it is to buy FAR IN ADVANCE OF THE ELECTION

When nobody cares about it, that’s how u make a lot of X’s

Not be bag holding after election

And yet I see ppl treat it like it’s a long term goat tier coin

It’s just like really? what’s the point of sharing this in DONT BET THE HOUSE

If u bet the house and act like it’s a long term winning coin when it’s NOT it’s an election play that u have to sell any election hype or speculation u get

Making calls is legit not worth it with this many ppl that either depend on u or blame u

Since I feel I can’t sell on my own community

If it doesn’t blow up big enough I can’t make money

If the coin doesn’t blow up to billions

I’m just guaranteed to lose money if the project doesn’t break high enough scale of success cuz

In don’t bet the house TG

I shared Conan at 300k it ran to 40M

I ended up losing -$20k even tho it went up 100x+

Bc I bought more pre election to try and please ppl and “stick with” a call that I already felt was past its prime time

I shared BULL at 6M

It goes to 330M

I end up losing over -$300k

And I owe $100k in March if not n1 meme on Tron

So around -400k

This still stands

I owe 20 of you $5,000 each if Bull isn’t #1 meme by March 22

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