English Speaking Course

Гео и язык канала: Индия, Хинди
Категория: Лингвистика

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Гео и язык канала
Индия, Хинди
Фильтр публикаций


1. Strategy (रणनीति): Vicharpoorvak yojna banakar kaam karna.
2. Advocate (समर्थन करना): Kisi vichar ya vyakti ka samarthan karna.
3. Amend (संशोधित करना): Sudhar ya badlav karna.
4. Anticipate (अपेक्षा करना): Pehle se hi andaza lagana.
5. Assess (मूल्यांकन करना): Kisi cheez ka mulyankan karna.
6. Broaden (विस्तृत करना): Kisi cheez ko vyapak banana.
7. Cater (पूरा करना): Kisi ki zarurat ko pura karna.
8. Clarify (स्पष्ट करना): Saaf aur spasht banana.
9. Coordinate (समन्वय करना): Vyavasthit roop se miljul kar kaam karna.
10. Dedicate (समर्पित करना): Pure mann se lagna.
11. Delegate (प्रतिनिधित्व करना): Adhikar ya zimmedari pradan karna.
12. Eliminate (नष्ट करना): Samapt karna ya khatam karna.
13. Embrace (स्वीकार करना): Gale lagana ya puri tarah se svikar karna.
14. Engage (व्यस्त होना): Karyrat rehna ya kisi cheez mein bhag lena.
15. Examine (जांचना): Vishleshan ya jaanch karna.
16. Facilitate (सुगम बनाना): Karya ko aasan banana.
17. Highlight (मुख्य बिंदु): Kisi cheez ko vishesh roop se ujagar karna.
18. Implement (लागू करना): Karya ko anjam dena.
19. Improve (सुधारना): Behtar banana.
20. Incorporate (सम्मिलित करना): Kisi cheez ka hissedar banana.
21. Integrate (एकीकृत करना): Ekikrit karna.
22. Justify (औचित्य साबित करना): Kisi cheez ka kark arthat banana.
23. Leverage (प्रयोग करना): Poonji ko upyog karna.
24. Mitigate (कम करना): Kami karna.
25. Optimize (सर्वोत्तम बनाना): Karya ko behtareen banana.
26. Outline (रूपरेखा तैयार करना): Karya ki rooprekha banana.
27. Persuade (मनाना): Kisi ko manane ka kaam karna.
28. Prioritize (प्राथमिकता देना): Avashyakata ke anusaar kaam ko shreshth banana.
29. Propose (प्रस्ताव करना): Prastavit karna.
30. Resolve (सुलझाना): Samasya ko suljhana.
31. Sequence (क्रम): Kram mein lagana.
32. Streamline (सरलीकृत करना): Aasan aur prabhavit banana.
33. Substantiate (सिद्ध करना): Praman ke saath sthapit karna.
34. Synthesize (संज्ञायित करना): Rachana karna.
35. Transform (रूपांतरित करना): Rupantar karna.
36. Update (अद्यतन करना): Naveen karna.
37. Verify (सत्यापित करना): Tathya ke saath sabit karna.
38. Analyze (विश्लेषण करना): Vishleshan karna.
39. Assess (मूल्यांकन करना): Mulankan karna.
40. Collaborate (सहयोग करना): Sahayog karna.
41. Communicate (संचार करना): Samachar dena.
42. Coordinate (समन्वय करना): Samanvay karna.
43. Develop (विकसित करना): Vikasit karna.
44. Evaluate (मूल्यांकन करना): Mulankan karna.
45. Facilitate (सुगम बनाना): Sujan banata.
46. Improve (सुधार करना): Behtar karna.
47. Innovate (नवीनता लाना): Navinyata lana.
48. Inspire (प्रेरित करना): Prerit karna.
49. Manage (प्रबंधन करना): Prabandhan karna.
50. Motivate (प्रेरित करना): Prerna dena.

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1. Recommend (सिफारिश करना): Kisi cheez ko prastavit karna.
2. Reflect (प्रतिबिंबित करना): Kisi cheez ko pratibimb ya sochna.
3. Reinforce (मजबूत करना): Kisi cheez ko majboot banana.
4. Replace (बदलना): Kisi cheez ki jagah nayi cheez lana.
5. Report (रिपोर्ट देना): Jaankari pradan karna.
6. Research (अनुसंधान करना): Kisi vishay par adhyayan ya anusandhan karna.
7. Respond (प्रतिक्रिया देना): Kisi cheez ka jawab dena.
8. Revise (संशोधित करना): Kisi cheez ko sudharna ya doobara dekhna.
9. Seek (खोजना): Kisi cheez ki talash karna.
10. Select (चुनना): Kisi cheez ko chayan karna.
11. Solve (समाधान करना): Kisi samasya ka hal dhoondhna.
12. Specify (निर्दिष्ट करना): Visheshta batana.
13. Suggest (सुझाव देना): Vichar pradan karna.
14. Summarize (सारांश करना): Kisi cheez ka sangrah batana.
15. Support (समर्थन करना): Kisi ka sahara dena.
16. Sustain (बनाए रखना): Kisi cheez ko sthir rakhna.
17. Transform (रूपांतरित करना): Kisi cheez ko badalna.
18. Translate (अनुवाद करना): Ek bhasha se doosri bhasha mein badalna.
19. Understand (समझना): Kisi cheez ko samajhna.
20. Update (अद्यतन करना): Nayi jaankari dena.
21. Upgrade (उन्नयन करना): Behtar roop se naya karna.
22. Validate (मान्य करना): Kisi cheez ko manata dena.
23. Verify (सत्यापित करना): Kisi cheez ka sachai se jaanchna.
24. Visualize (दृष्टिगत करना): Kisi cheez ko mann mein chitr banakar dekhna.
25. Acquaint (परिचित कराना): Kisi se parichay karana.
26. Admire (प्रशंसा करना): Kisi ki tarif karna.
27. Acquire (अर्जित करना): Kisi cheez ko prapt karna.
28. Acknowledge (स्वीकार करना): Kisi baat ko svikar karna.
29. Achieve (हासिल करना): Safalta prapt karna.
30. Assist (मदद करना): Kisi ki sahayta karna.
31. Attend (उपस्थित होना): Kisi sthal ya karyakram mein maujood rahna.
32. Balance (संतुलित करना): Santulan banaye rakhna.
33. Conceive (कल्पना करना): Kisi vichar ya yojna ko sochna.
34. Conclude (निष्कर्ष निकालना): Kisi cheez ka antim nishkarsh nikalna.
35. Confirm (पुष्टि करना): Kisi baat ko pakka karna.
36. Construct (निर्माण करना): Nirmaan karna.
37. Convene (आयोजित करना): Ekatha karna.
38. Defend (रक्षा करना): Suraksha karna.
39. Diagnose (निदान करना): Karan pata lagana.
40. Discuss (चर्चा करना): Varta karna.
41. Distinguish (भेद करना): Antar karna.
42. Empower (सशक्त करना): Shakti pradan karna.
43. Enhance (बढ़ाना): Behtar banana.
44. Facilitate (सुगम बनाना): Sahaj karna.
45. Implement (लागू करना): Kariya me lana.
46. Improve (सुधारना): Behtar banana.
47. Justify (औचित्य साबित करना): Siddh karna.
48. Maintain (बनाए रखना): Sthir banana.
49. Negotiate (मोलभाव करना): Samjhauta karna.
50. Resolve (सुलझाना): Hal dhoondhna.
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1. Abandon (त्यागना): Kisi cheez ko chhod dena.
2. Accomplish (पूरा करना): Kaar ya udhyam ko safaltapoorvak pura karna.
3. Adapt (अनुकूल बनाना): Nai sthitiyon ke anusar khud ko badalna.
4. Analyze (विश्लेषण करना): Kisi cheez ko gahan roop se samajhna ya padhna.
5. Anticipate (पूर्वानुमान करना): Kisi cheez ke hone ki sambhavana ko bhap lena.
6. Appreciate (सराहना): Kisi ki prasansha karna ya samarthan dena.
7. Approach (निकट आना): Kisi sthiti ya vyakti ke paas jana.
8. Arrange (व्यवस्था करना): Cheezon ko vyavasthit karna.
9. Assume (मान लेना): Kisi baat ko bina praman ke maan lena.
10. Attain (प्राप्त करना): Lakshya ko prapt karna.
11. Benefit (लाभ): Fayda ya labh prapt karna.
12. Calculate (गणना करना): Kisi cheez ka hisaab lagana.
13. Comprehend (समझना): Kisi cheez ko poori tarah se samajhna.
14. Confident (आत्मविश्वासी): Jo apne aap par vishwas rakhta ho.
15. Consider (विचार करना): Kisi vichar ya faisle ko sochna.
16. Contribute (योगदान देना): Kisi karyakram ya sthal mein yogdan dena.
17. Create (सृजन करना): Naya kuch banana ya rachna.
18. Decline (अस्वीकार करना): Prastav ko mana kar dena.
19. Demonstrate (प्रदर्शित करना): Kisi cheez ko dikhana ya pradarshit karna.
20. Determine (निर्धारित करना): Kisi cheez ko nirdharit karna.
21. Develop (विकसित करना): Vikas ya pragati karna.
22. Differentiate (अंतर करना): Cheezon mein antar karna.
23. Distribute (वितरण करना): Cheezon ko baantna.
24. Effort (प्रयास): Kisi kaam mein mehnat lagana.
25. Encourage (प्रोत्साहित करना): Kisi ko utsahit karna.
26. Enhance (बढ़ाना): Kisi cheez ko behtar banana.
27. Estimate (अनुमान लगाना): Kisi cheez ka anumaan lagana.
28. Evaluate (मूल्यांकन करना): Kisi cheez ka mulyankan karna.
29. Experiment (प्रयोग करना): Nai cheezon ka prayog karna.
30. Explain (समझाना): Kisi cheez ko samjhana.
31. Focus (ध्यान केंद्रित करना): Dhyan ko kisi ek sthaan par kendrit karna.
32. Identify (पहचानना): Kisi cheez ki pehchan karna.
33. Implement (लागू करना): Kisi yojna ko amali jamma pehnana.
34. Improve (सुधारना): Kisi cheez ko behtar banana.
35. Indicate (संकेत करना): Kisi cheez ka sanket dena.
36. Inform (सूचित करना): Jaankari pradan karna.
37. Initiate (आरंभ करना): Kisi kaam ka aarambh karna.
38. Inspire (प्रेरित करना): Kisi ko prerit karna.
39. Integrate (एकीकृत करना): Cheezon ko mila kar ek banana.
40. Interpret (व्याख्या करना): Kisi cheez ki vyakhya karna.
41. Investigate (जांच करना): Kisi cheez ki jaanch karna.
42. Manage (प्रबंधन करना): Cheezon ko prabandhit karna.
43. Negotiate (बातचीत करना): Vartalaap ya samjhauta karna.
44. Optimize (सर्वोत्तम बनाना): Kisi cheez ko behtar se behtar banana.
45. Organize (संगठित करना): Cheezon ko vyavasthit aur sanrachanatmak banana.
46. Participate (भाग लेना): Kisi karyakram mein bhaag lena.
47. Perceive (अनुभव करना): Kisi cheez ko anubhav ya samajhna.
48. Plan (योजना बनाना): Karyakram ya yojna banana.
49. Promote (प्रचार करना): Kisi cheez ka prachar ya prasaar karna.
50. Propose (प्रस्ताव रखना): Kisi vichar ya yojna ka prastav rakhna.
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That's a LOT! Here are 50 more to add to your growing list, covering various everyday scenarios:

### At the Bank
251. I need to open a savings account. - Requesting banking services.
252. Can I deposit this check? - Asking to deposit money.
253. What is the interest rate for this account? - Inquiring about interest rates.
254. I would like to apply for a loan. - Requesting a loan application.
255. How do I transfer money to another account? - Asking about money transfers.

### At the Library
256. I want to borrow this book. - Requesting to borrow a book.
257. When is the due date for this book? - Asking about return dates.
258. Can I renew my book loan? - Requesting to extend the loan period.
259. Where is the non-fiction section? - Asking for directions in the library.
260. I need help finding a book. - Requesting assistance.

### At a Hotel
261. I have a reservation under [Your Name]. - Checking into a hotel.
262. What time is check-out? - Asking about check-out time.
263. Can I get a room with a view? - Requesting a specific room type.
264. Is breakfast included? - Inquiring about meal services.
265. I need a taxi, please. - Requesting transportation.

### Talking About Weather
266. It's a bit chilly today. - Describing the weather.
267. Looks like it's going to rain. - Predicting the weather.
268. The sun is shining brightly. - Talking about sunny weather.
269. It's quite humid outside. - Describing humid conditions.
270. The weather is perfect for a picnic. - Suggesting an outdoor activity.

### At a Friend's House
271. Thank you for having me over. - Showing gratitude.
272. Can I use your bathroom? - Asking for a favor.
273. This is a lovely home. - Complimenting someone's home.
274. Do you need help with dinner? - Offering assistance.
275. I had a wonderful time. - Expressing enjoyment.

### Making Arrangements
276. Let’s meet at the park. - Suggesting a meeting place.
277. Can you pick me up at 5 PM? - Requesting transportation.
278. How about dinner at 7 PM? - Suggesting a time for dinner.
279. We should confirm the details. - Finalizing plans.
280. I will be there in 10 minutes. - Mentioning arrival time.

### Expressing Feelings
281. I am so happy for you! - Showing happiness for someone.
282. She is feeling a bit down. - Describing sadness.
283. He is really excited about the project. - Expressing excitement.
284. They are grateful for your help. - Showing gratitude.
285. I am feeling nervous about the presentation. - Expressing anxiety.

### At the Pharmacy
286. I need to fill this prescription. - Requesting medication.
287. What are the side effects of this medicine? - Asking about medication.
288. Can you recommend something for a headache? - Requesting a recommendation.
289. How should I take this medicine? - Asking for usage instructions.
290. Is there a generic version of this drug? - Inquiring about alternatives.

### Traveling
291. What is the best way to get to the city center? - Asking for travel advice.
292. Can I get a city map? - Requesting a map.
293. What are the must-see attractions here? - Asking for travel recommendations.
294. How do I get to the train station? - Asking for directions.
295. Where can I buy a bus ticket? - Inquiring about transportation.

### Expressing Preferences
296. I prefer walking to taking the bus. - Stating a preference.
297. She likes hot drinks over cold ones. - Mentioning drink preferences.
298. He enjoys cycling on weekends. - Talking about a hobby.
299. They prefer staying in hotels to camping. - Expressing travel preferences.
300. I love spending time in nature. - Sharing an interest.

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Keep practicing these sentences to enhance your English fluency!

Here you go with more useful sentences and their concepts:

### At the Gym
201. I need to renew my membership. - Talking about gym membership.
202. Can you show me how to use this machine? - Asking for help with equipment.
203. I have a personal training session. - Mentioning a scheduled activity.
204. What time does the gym close? - Inquiring about gym hours.
205. She is doing cardio exercises. - Describing an activity.

### Ordering Food
206. Can I see the menu, please? - Asking for the menu.
207. I’d like to order the special. - Placing an order.
208. Can I have it to go? - Requesting takeaway.
209. Do you have any vegetarian options? - Asking about dietary preferences.
210. What are today’s specials? - Inquiring about special dishes.

### Talking About Hobbies
211. I enjoy painting in my free time. - Sharing hobbies.
212. He likes to play the guitar. - Describing interests.
213. She loves gardening. - Talking about hobbies.
214. They are learning to cook. - Mentioning new skills.
215. I am passionate about photography. - Expressing interests.

### At the Supermarket
216. Where can I find the dairy section? - Asking for directions in the store.
217. Do you have this in stock? - Inquiring about availability.
218. Can I get a price check on this item? - Asking for price verification.
219. I need a bag, please. - Requesting a shopping bag.
220. Do you accept credit cards? - Asking about payment methods.

### At the Post Office
221. I need to send this package. - Requesting a service.
222. How much is the postage? - Asking for the cost.
223. Can I get a tracking number? - Requesting tracking information.
224. When will it be delivered? - Inquiring about delivery time.
225. I need to buy some stamps. - Requesting to purchase stamps.

### Making Phone Calls
226. Can I speak to [Person's Name], please? - Asking for someone on the phone.
227. I am calling to schedule an appointment. - Stating the purpose of the call.
228. Can you call me back? - Requesting a return call.
229. I will leave a message. - Mentioning leaving a voicemail.
230. The line is busy. - Describing a busy phone line.

### Describing Health
231. I have a fever. - Mentioning a symptom.
232. She is recovering from a cold. - Talking about health recovery.
233. He has a sore throat. - Describing a symptom.
234. They are feeling better now. - Talking about improved health.
235. I need to rest. - Mentioning the need for rest.

### Describing Preferences
236. I prefer to study in the morning. - Stating a preference.
237. She likes to exercise in the evening. - Mentioning exercise habits.
238. He enjoys reading fiction. - Talking about reading preferences.
239. They prefer watching movies at home. - Mentioning entertainment choices.
240. I love going for long walks. - Expressing a preference.

### Making Plans
241. Let’s plan a weekend getaway. - Suggesting a trip.
242. We should visit that new restaurant. - Proposing a dining plan.
243. How about a movie night? - Suggesting an activity.
244. I am free this afternoon. - Mentioning availability.
245. We can decide later. - Postponing a decision.

### Everyday Conversations
246. It’s a beautiful day today. - Talking about the weather.
247. The traffic was terrible this morning. - Sharing daily experiences.
248. I had a great workout. - Talking about fitness activities.
249. She made a delicious dinner. - Complimenting cooking skills.
250. He is learning a new language. - Sharing new activities.

Feel free to use these sentences in your daily interactions.

Here are some more sentences to keep you going:

### At the Doctor's
151. I have an appointment at 3 PM. - Mentioning a scheduled visit.
152. I need a prescription refill. - Requesting medication.
153. I’ve been feeling dizzy lately. - Describing symptoms.
154. When is my next check-up? - Inquiring about future appointments.
155. Can you check my blood pressure? - Requesting a specific examination.

### In a Hotel
156. Can I get a wake-up call at 7 AM? - Requesting a service.
157. Do you have free Wi-Fi? - Asking about amenities.
158. Where is the breakfast served? - Inquiring about meal locations.
159. I need extra towels in my room. - Requesting additional items.
160. Can I check out late? - Asking for a late check-out.

### Making Suggestions
161. How about we try that new restaurant? - Proposing an idea.
162. Let's visit the museum this weekend. - Suggesting an activity.
163. Why don't we go for a hike? - Recommending an outdoor activity.
164. What if we watch a movie tonight? - Proposing a plan.
165. We could start a new project together. - Offering a joint activity.

### Describing Feelings
166. I am really excited about the trip. - Expressing anticipation.
167. She is nervous about the presentation. - Describing anxiety.
168. He feels relieved after the test. - Sharing a sense of relief.
169. I am grateful for your help. - Showing gratitude.
170. They are content with their new home. - Expressing satisfaction.

### Discussing Preferences
171. I prefer hot weather over cold. - Stating a preference.
172. She likes fiction more than non-fiction. - Mentioning book preferences.
173. He enjoys classical music. - Talking about musical tastes.
174. They prefer cats to dogs. - Expressing pet preferences.
175. I love spicy food. - Sharing a culinary preference.

### Shopping
176. I am looking for a birthday gift. - Shopping for gifts.
177. Do you have any recommendations? - Asking for suggestions.
178. Can I get this gift-wrapped? - Requesting a service.
179. Is there a discount on this item? - Inquiring about sales.
180. I’d like to return this, please. - Requesting a return.

### At the Airport
181. Where is the check-in counter? - Asking for directions.
182. What time is the flight? - Inquiring about flight times.
183. Do I need to check this bag? - Asking about luggage.
184. Where is the boarding gate? - Finding the gate.
185. Is the flight on time? - Checking flight status.

### Making Requests
186. Can you help me carry this? - Asking for assistance.
187. Please turn off the lights. - Making a request.
188. Could you close the door? - Asking for an action.
189. Can I borrow a pen? - Requesting an item.
190. Would you mind helping me? - Polite request.

### Describing Situations
191. The traffic was terrible this morning. - Talking about daily events.
192. The restaurant was very busy. - Describing a location.
193. The presentation went well. - Sharing an outcome.
194. It was a beautiful day at the beach. - Describing an experience.
195. The concert was amazing! - Expressing enjoyment.

### Offering Help
196. Do you need any help with that? - Offering assistance.
197. Let me know if I can help. - Offering support.
198. I can assist you with this project. - Volunteering to help.
199. Would you like me to carry that for you? - Offering to carry something.
200. Can I give you a hand? - Offering help.
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Here are some more sentences with their concepts to help you master everyday English conversations:

### At the Office
101. I have a presentation tomorrow. - Talking about work tasks.
102. Can you schedule a meeting for us? - Requesting an appointment.
103. She is preparing a report. - Describing work activities.
104. I need to send an email. - Mentioning a work task.
105. We have a deadline next week. - Discussing schedules.

### Asking for Help
106. Could you help me with this? - Requesting assistance.
107. Can you explain this to me? - Asking for clarification.
108. I don't know how to do this. - Expressing uncertainty.
109. Do you have a minute? - Requesting someone's time.
110. I'm having trouble with this. - Describing a problem.

### Social Interactions
111. What do you think about this? - Seeking opinions.
112. That's a great idea! - Responding positively.
113. I'm not sure about that. - Expressing doubt.
114. Let's agree to disagree. - Respectfully ending a debate.
115. I see your point. - Acknowledging someone's opinion.

### Describing Things
116. The room is very spacious. - Talking about size.
117. It’s a bit crowded here. - Describing space.
118. This food is delicious. - Complimenting taste.
119. The movie was boring. - Expressing opinions on entertainment.
120. Her dress is beautiful. - Complimenting appearance.

### Future Plans
121. I am planning a trip next month. - Discussing future activities.
122. He will start his new job soon. - Talking about future events.
123. They are moving to a new house. - Discussing relocations.
124. She is going to study abroad. - Mentioning educational plans.
125. We will have a party this weekend. - Planning social events.

### Health and Fitness
126. He goes jogging every morning. - Talking about fitness routines.
127. She practices yoga. - Mentioning a form of exercise.
128. I need to eat healthier. - Expressing health goals.
129. He is recovering from surgery. - Talking about health conditions.
130. She is on a strict diet. - Mentioning dietary habits.

### Offering Help
131. Can I help you with that? - Offering assistance.
132. Would you like some help? - Asking if help is needed.
133. Let me know if you need anything. - Offering support.
134. I can take care of that for you. - Volunteering to help.
135. Do you need any help with that? - Inquiring if help is needed.

### Making Arrangements
136. Let's meet at 6 PM. - Setting up a meeting time.
137. Can you make a reservation? - Asking someone to book.
138. I’ll call you tomorrow. - Confirming future contact.
139. Let's confirm the details. - Finalizing plans.
140. I need to reschedule our meeting. - Changing plans.

### Describing People
141. He is very friendly. - Talking about personality.
142. She is always on time. - Mentioning punctuality.
143. They are very helpful. - Describing someone's nature.
144. He has a great sense of humor. - Complimenting personality.
145. She is very hardworking. - Talking about work ethic.

### Discussing Preferences
146. I prefer tea over coffee. - Expressing preferences.
147. She likes Italian food. - Mentioning favorite cuisine.
148. He enjoys watching sports. - Talking about hobbies.
149. They prefer staying at home. - Mentioning lifestyle choices.
150. I love traveling to new places. - Expressing interests.
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Keep practicing these sentences to enhance your English speaking skills!

Got it! Here are some more sentences with their concepts to keep improving your English:

### At the Restaurant
51. Can I make a reservation for two? - Booking a table.
52. I’ll have the chicken, please. - Ordering food.
53. Could I get the check, please? - Asking for the bill.

### Social Situations
54. Would you like to join us? - Inviting someone.
55. I’m sorry, I can’t make it. - Declining an invitation.
56. Congratulations on your new job! - Celebrating someone's success.

### Traveling
57. Where is the nearest hotel? - Asking for accommodation.
58. I have a booking under [Your Name]. - Checking into a reservation.
59. What is the best way to get to the airport? - Asking for directions to the airport.

### Shopping
60. Do you have this in another color? - Requesting a different color.
61. Can I try this on? - Asking to try on clothing.
62. Is this on sale? - Inquiring about discounts.

### Technology
63. My phone battery is low. - Describing a tech issue.
64. How do I update my software? - Seeking tech assistance.
65. The internet is not working. - Reporting a tech problem.

### In an Emergency
66. Where is the nearest pharmacy? - Finding medical supplies.
67. I need to see a doctor urgently. - Requesting immediate medical help.
68. Call the fire department! - Reporting a fire.

### Daily Life
69. I am going to the grocery store. - Talking about errands.
70. She is cleaning the house. - Describing chores.
71. He is watching TV. - Mentioning a daily activity.

### Entertainment
72. What is your favorite movie? - Asking about interests.
73. I love reading books. - Sharing a hobby.
74. She enjoys playing the piano. - Describing a leisure activity.

### Compliments and Reassurances
75. You look great today! - Giving a compliment.
76. Everything will be fine. - Offering reassurance.
77. You did a fantastic job! - Praising someone’s efforts.

### Apologies and Gratitude
78. I’m sorry, it was my mistake. - Apologizing.
79. Thank you for your help. - Showing appreciation.
80. I appreciate your patience. - Expressing gratitude.

### Making Suggestions
81. Why don't we go for a walk? - Suggesting an activity.
82. How about trying this restaurant? - Recommending a place.
83. Let's watch a movie tonight. - Proposing an evening plan.

### Expressing Preferences
84. I prefer tea over coffee. - Stating a preference.
85. She likes swimming more than running. - Comparing likes.
86. He enjoys hiking in the mountains. - Sharing a favorite activity.

### Describing Situations
87. The meeting was very productive. - Talking about an event.
88. It was a beautiful day at the beach. - Describing an experience.
89. The traffic was terrible today. - Mentioning daily experiences.

### Questions and Answers
90. Do you like to travel? - Asking about interests.
91. Yes, I love visiting new places. - Responding positively.
92. What do you think about this idea? - Seeking opinions.
93. I think it's a great plan. - Giving an opinion.

### Health and Fitness
94. I exercise every morning. - Talking about fitness habits.
95. She follows a healthy diet. - Mentioning eating habits.
96. He goes to the gym regularly. - Describing fitness routine.

### Personal Information
97. I am 25 years old. - Sharing age.
98. She lives in New York. - Mentioning residence.
99. He works as a software engineer. - Talking about occupation.
100. My favorite color is blue. - Stating preferences.
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Hope these help you feel more confident in your English conversations! Keep practicing!

Absolutely! Here are 50 English sentences along with their concepts to help you get a better grasp of everyday English conversations:

#Greetings and Introductions

1. Hello, how are you? - Asking about someone's well-being.
2. Good morning! - Greeting someone in the morning.
3. What's your name? - Asking for someone's name.
4. Nice to meet you. - Expressing pleasure in meeting someone.

#Daily Activities

5. I am going to work. - Talking about going to work.
6. She is cooking dinner. - Describing someone cooking dinner.
7. He likes to read books. - Talking about a hobby or interest.

#Asking for Information

8. Where is the bus stop? - Asking for directions.
9. What time is it? - Asking for the current time.
10. How much is this? - Inquiring about the price.

#Expressing Needs and Wants

11. I need some help. - Asking for assistance.
12. Can I have a glass of water? - Requesting something.
13. I want to buy this. - Expressing a desire to purchase.

#Making Plans

14. Let's go to the movies. - Suggesting an activity.
15. What are you doing this weekend? - Inquiring about plans.
16. We should meet for coffee. - Proposing a meeting.

#Expressing Emotions

17. I am very happy today. - Sharing feelings.
18. She is sad. - Describing someone's emotion.
19. He feels excited. - Talking about excitement.

#Talking About Weather

20. It’s sunny outside. - Describing the weather.
21. It looks like it’s going to rain. - Predicting weather.
22. The weather is very cold today. - Talking about cold weather.

#Basic Politeness

23. Please pass the salt. - Making a polite request.
24. Thank you very much. - Expressing gratitude.
25. You’re welcome. - Responding to thanks.

#Health and Well-being

26. I am feeling sick. - Talking about being unwell.
27. She has a headache. - Describing a health issue.
28. He needs to see a doctor. - Advising medical help.

#Travel and Directions

29. Where is the nearest hospital? - Asking for location.
30. How do I get to the train station? - Inquiring about directions.
31. Can you show me on the map? - Requesting a map reference.

#Time and Schedules

32. What time does the store open? - Asking about opening hours.
33. The meeting starts at 10 AM. - Informing about a schedule.
34. We need to leave at 6 PM. - Discussing departure time.

#Food and Drink

35. I would like a cup of tea. - Ordering a beverage.
36. Can I see the menu? - Asking for a menu.
37. He is allergic to peanuts. - Mentioning a food allergy.


38. I am looking for a new jacket. - Shopping for clothes.
39. Do you have this in a larger size? - Requesting a different size.
40. Can I return this item? - Asking about returns.

#Social Interactions

41. Do you have any hobbies? - Asking about interests.
42. I enjoy playing tennis. - Sharing a hobby.
43. She likes to travel. - Talking about travel interests.


44. Call the police. - Requesting emergency help.
45. There is a fire. - Reporting an emergency.
46. I need an ambulance. - Asking for medical emergency services.

#At Work

47. I have a meeting at 3 PM. - Discussing work schedules.
48. Can you send me the report? - Requesting a document.
49. He is working on a new project. - Talking about work tasks.


50. How do I connect to the Wi-Fi? - Asking for tech assistance.
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I hope these sentences
help you practice and improve your English speaking skills!

#5 five words

1. Nefarious (दुष्ट) - Wicked or criminal.

2. Pulchritudinous (सुंदर) - Beautiful.

3. Quintessential (मूलभूत) - Representing the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class.

4. Reverie (स्वप्न) - A state of being pleasantly lost in one's thoughts; a daydream.

5. Soliloquy (स्वगत) - An act of speaking one's thoughts aloud when by oneself, especially by a character in a play.


#4 five more:

1. Taciturn (मितभाषी) - Reserved or uncommunicative in speech; saying little.

2. Voracious (अतृप्त) - Wanting or devouring great quantities of food; having an eager approach to an activity.

3. Zenith (शिखर) - The time at which something is most powerful or successful.

4. Alacrity (उत्साह) - Brisk and cheerful readiness.

5. Benevolent (दयालु) - Well meaning and kindly.


#3 five words:

1. Ineffable (अकथनीय) - Too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words.

2. Ephemeral (क्षणिक) - Lasting for a very short time.

3. Ebullient (उत्साही) - Cheerful and full of energy.

4. Lugubrious (शोकपूर्ण) - Looking or sounding sad and dismal.

5. Recalcitrant (हठी) - Having an obstinately uncooperative attitude toward authority or discipline.

#2 Five Words

1. Languid (शिथिल) - Displaying or having a disinclination for physical exertion or effort; slow and relaxed.

2. Garrulous (वाचाल) - Excessively talkative, especially on trivial matters.

3. Zephyr (पवन) - A gentle, mild breeze.

4. Serendipity (सौभाग्य) - The occurrence of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.

5. Ubiquitous (सर्वव्यापी) - Present, appearing, or found everywhere.


Here are five nifty words to sprinkle into your daily conversations:

1. Peregrinate (यात्रा करना) - To travel or wander around from place to place.

2. Insouciant (निश्चिंत) - Showing a casual lack of concern; indifferent.

3. Quixotic (अव्यावहारिक) - Exceedingly idealistic; unrealistic and impractical.

4. Effervescent (फिज़ी) - Vivacious and enthusiastic.

5. Ephemeral (क्षणिक) - Lasting for a very short time.


📒Important Idioms and Phrases starting with letter "A"

1. A Bee in one's bonnet
◾️किसी चीज़ के बारे में लगातार बात करते रहना

2. A bolt from the blue
◾️अचानक और अप्रत्याशित घटना

3. A close shave
◾️बाल - बाल बचना

4. A Cat and Dog life
◾️हमेशा झगड़ते रहने वाला जीवन

5. A chicken-hearted Person
◾️कायर व्यक्ति

6. A Dark Horse
◾️अप्रत्याशित विजेता

7. A cold shoulder
◾️उदासीनता का प्रदर्शन

8. A cog in the Machine
◾️कार्य के लिए आवश्यक लेकिन कम महत्व का

9. A close-fisted man
◾️पैसे देने या ख़र्च करने के लिए बहुत ही अनिच्छुक रहना

10. A chink in someone's armour
◾️किसी की कमजोरी

11. A hot potato
◾️एक विवादास्पद मुद्दा जो निपटने में कठिन है और बहुत ही असहमतियो से युक्त है

12. A good turn
◾️एक ऐसा कार्य जो किसी अन्य व्यक्ति से किसी तरह से लाभकारी है

13. A going concern
◾️लाभ कमाता हुआ व्यवसाय

14. A go-getter
◾️एक बेहद प्रेरित और महत्वाकांक्षी व्यक्ति

15. A fool's paradize
◾️हवाई महल

16. A feather in one's cap
◾️गर्व करने लायक उपलब्धि

17. A dime a dozen
◾️बहुत आम

18. A stone's throw of
◾️बहुत पास में

19. A sight for sore eyes
◾️आँख की ठण्डक

20. A red rag to a bull
◾️साँड़ को लाल कपड़ा दिकाने के समान

21. A queer fish
◾️सनकी व्यक्ति

22. A left-handed compliment
◾️प्रशंसा की आड़ में एक अपमान

23. A leap in the dark
◾️साहसिक कार्य

24. A jack of all trades
◾️कई अलग अलग क्षेत्रों में कुशल व्यक्ति

25. At the end of one's tether
◾️और ज्यादा कष्ट सहने में असमर्थ

26. A wild goose chase
◾️निरर्थक खोज

27. A taste of your own medicine
◾️जैसे को तैसा

28. A storm in a tea-cup
◾️बात का बतंगड़

29. A chip on your shoulder
◾️हर समय गुस्सा आना क्योंकि आपको लगता है कि आपके साथ गलत तरीके से व्यवहार किया गया है या आपको लगता है कि आप अन्य लोगों के समान उतना ही अच्छे नहीं हैं

30. A man of spirit
◾️साहसिक व्यक्ति

31. A man of straw
◾️एक कमजोर व्यक्ति

32. A man of parts
◾️कई अलग-अलग क्षेत्रों में महारथ वाला

33. A man of mettle
◾️दृढ़-संकल्प का व्यक्ति

34. A man of means
◾️अमीर आदमी

35. A man of letters
◾️साहित्यिक व्यक्ति

36. Aman of his words
◾️अपनी बात का पक्का

37. A man in a million
◾️लाखो में एक

1. Branch out - Expand or extend one's interests (काम फैलाना)
Eg: The supermarkets have branched out into banking.

2. Break into - Enter (with effort or force) (तोड़कर घुसना)
Eg: It’s always been his ambition to break into broadcasting.

3. Carry on - Continue (जारी रखना)
Eg: He moved to New York to carry on his work

4. Close down - Stop operating (बंद करना)
Eg: The firm has decided to close down its Chicago branch.

5. Look forward to - Anticipate with pleasure (आशा करना)
Eg: We look forward to hearing from you soon.

6. Note down - Write something down (लिख देना)
Eg: Her answers were noted down on the chart.

7. Step down - Resign or leave (a position/job) (स्तीफा देना)
Eg: The chairman was forced to step down due to ill health.

8. Take off - Become successful or popular very fast (लोकप्रिय होना)
Eg: Her business has really taken off.

9. Take up - Fill a particular amount of space or time (जगह घेरना)
Eg: These files take up a lot of disk space.

10. Weigh up - Consider (विचार करना)
Eg: You should weigh up the advantages and disadvantages of each type before buying.

11. Back up - Make a copy of information (नक़ल उतारना)
Eg: It's a good idea to back up your files onto a memory stick.

12. Carry out - Do and complete a task (पूरा करना)
Eg: The building work was carried out by a local contractor.

13. Come up - Happen or arise (ज़रूरी काम आना)
Eg: I’m going to have to cancel our meeting – something’s come up.

14. Get on - Continue or start doing something (जारी रखना)
Eg: She told us to get on with our work.

15. Keep up with - Follow (बनाए रखना)
Eg: We try to keep up with what’s happening about financial news.

16. Set up - Start (a business) (बुनियाद रखना)
Eg: The group plans to set up an import business.

17. Go through - Experience something bad (बुरे अनुभव से गुज़रना)
Eg: We can’t really imagine what our company’s going through.

18. Find out - Discover a fact or piece of information (पता लगाना)
Eg: Can you find out what our customers think of their local bus service?

19. Call off - Cancel something (रद्द करना)
Eg: With the weather worsening, they have called off their field trip.

20. Call back - To telephone someone again
Eg: I’ll call you back in a while

21. Deal with - Handle (a problem)
Eg: I spent the morning dealing with my emails.

22. Drop in - Make a short visit somewhere
Eg: I will drop in tomorrow morning.

✍️✍️ Idioms

1. To wash one's dirty linen in public - to discuss dirty and scandalous matters of personal nature in the presence of strangers - अजनबियों वगैरह के सामने निजी मुद्दे पर चर्चा करना

2. At one's wit's end - Perplexed - हैरान

3. At the spur of the moment - At the exact time - सही समय पर

4. Above board - honest and straight forward - ईमानदार और सरल

5. As fit as a fiddle - strong and healthy - मजबूत और स्वस्थ

✍️✍️ Phrasal Verbs

1. Bank upon - to rely on - निर्भर होना

2. Bear out - substantiate - सही साबित करने में सहायक होना

3. Bear up - to withstand stress or difficulty - सहना

4. Bear with - to tolerate with someone - बर्दाश्त करना

5. Break down - to stop working - काम बंद कर देना

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▪️The science of sound – Acoustics (ध्वनि विज्ञान)

▪️The science of aviation – Aeronautics (एयरोनॉटिक्स)

▪️The study of man, especially, of the evolution and customs of mankind – Anthropology (मनुष्य जाति का विज्ञान)

▪️The study of human antiquities – Archaeology (पुरातत्व विज्ञान)

▪️The science of heavenly bodies – Astronomy (खगोल विज्ञान)

▪️The science of travel in space – Astronautics (अन्तरिक्ष विज्ञान)

▪️The science of life and living things – Biology (जीव विज्ञान)

▪️The science of plants – Botany (वनस्पति विज्ञान)

▪️The art of making pottery – Ceramics (मिट्टी के पात्र)

▪️The science of colours –Chromatology (रंग विज्ञान)

▪️The study of statistics of births, deaths ,diseases, etc., of a community – Demography (जनसांख्यिकी)

▪️The art of effective speaking esp. in public – Elocution (प्रभाव पूर्ण बोलने की कला)

▪️The study of insects – Entomology (कीटविज्ञान)

▪️The science which deals with the variances of the human race – Ethnology (चरित्र विज्ञान)

▪️The science of the origin and history of words – Etymology (शब्द-व्युपत्ति)

▪️The study of coins or coinage – Numismatic ( सिक्कों का अध्यन)

▪️The study of birds – Ornithology (पक्षी विज्ञान)

▪️The study of mountains – Orology (पर्वतों का अध्यन)

▪️The study of ancient modes of writing – Paleography (प्राचीन शिलालेखों का अध्ययन)

▪️The art of elegant speech of writing – Rhetoric ( प्रभाव पूर्ण सब्दों का प्रयोग करना)

▪️The science of poisons – Toxicology (विषज्ञान)

▪️Using hypnosis – Hypnotherapy ( सम्मोहन विज्ञान)

▪️Using natural things – Naturopathy (प्राकृतिक विज्ञान)

▪️Using exercise,massage – Physiotherapy (बिजली द्वारा इलाज)
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Common English expressions:

1. Fed up - this means, to have had enough (परेशान हो जाना)

2. Feel like - this means, want to do something (कुछ करने का मन होना)

3. No hard feelings - don't worry (कोई नाराजगी या गुस्सा नहीं होना)

4. Heavy duty - tough and powerful

5. Hook up - to connect (संबंध रखना)

6. Join forces - means to unite (मिलकर काम करना)

7. Just what the doctor ordered - means what you need (जिसकी जरूरत हो)

8. Just about - nearly (लगभग)

9. Ins and outs - the small details (विस्तृत जानकारी)

10. In hand - under control (नियंत्रण में)

11. Kick around - treat badly (बुरा व्यवहार करना)

12. Kick the bucket - to die (मरना)

13. Knock it off - to stop it (रोकना)

14. Know-it-all - means, over confident (जरूरत से ज्यादा या अनुचित रूप से आश्वस्त)

15. Keep on - continue (जारी रखना)

16. In less than no time - immediately (तुरंत)

17. Long face - sad (उदास होना)

18. Means business - to be serious about your work (अपने काम से काम रखना)

19. Make up your mind - decide (तय करना)

20. Make off with - to steal (अवैध तरीके से दूर ले जाना)

21. Make believe - to pretend (ढोंग करना)

22. Mixed up - confused (उलझन में होना)

23. Makes sense - seems reasonable/ right (समझ में आना या सही प्रतीत होना)

24. Make a difference - to matter (मायने रखना)

25. Nail it down - finalize it (अंतिम रूप देना)

26. Never mind - don't worry about it (कोई बात नहीं)

27. No doubt - certainly (निस्संदेह/निश्चित रूप से)

28. No sweat - it's easy to do/ Ok (आसनी से)

29. Of age - old enough (काफी पुराना)

30. Off the hook - out of trouble (छुटकारा पाना)

31. Once in a blue moon - rarely (शायद ही कभी)

32. Out of order - does not work (खराब होना)

33. Out of shape -  to be unfit (बेढंगा)


अंग्रेज़ी में इस्तेमाल होने वाले Slangs:

1. Airhead (एक बेवकूफ व्यक्ति) - A foolish or dumb person

E.g. She is such an airhead she keeps forgetting to get her books.

2. Cheesy (घटिया) - Outdated or overused, sometimes cheap as well

E.g. She was tired of hearing cheesy pick-up lines.

3. Cushy (काफी आसान) - Comfortably easy

E.g. She had a cushy job as the floor manager.

4. Ditch (किसी चीज़ को त्याग देना या छोड़ देना) - Abandon something or leave

E.g. She has a reputation for ditching plans at the last minute.

5. Flicks (चलचित्र) - Movies or films

E.g. She went to the flicks with her best friends.

6. Freebie (मुफ्त उपहार) - Something that you get for free

E.g. The company was giving freebies to promote the product.

7. Grand (एक हजार) - A thousand

E.g. He made 20 grand at his old job.

8. Heave (उबकाई आना) - Vomit

E.g. "Uh-oh I need to heave!" She said before disappearing into the toilet.

9. Icky (अप्रिय या कष्टप्रद) - Unpleasant or annoying

She wrinkled her nose at the icky mess in the kitchen.

10. Umpteen (अनेक) - Incalculable, innumerable

"I've told you umpteen times to clean this room." His mother scolded.
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