Фильтр публикаций

Honista v10.3 — 64bit

🔰 Base: 347.

🔰 CPU Architecture: arm64-v8a

🔶 New Changes:

✅ Page Analyzer

🔶 The Page Analyzer is not limited to your own page like other Apps! So you can analyze your own page as well as any page you like and get several other info in addition to unfollows.

🔰 Information that the analysis results give you:

✅ New Unfollowers

✅ New Followers

✅ New Followings

✅ New UnFollowings

✅ Follow Backs

✅ Not Follow Backs

✅ Need Follow Backs

✅ Followers List

✅ Followings List


353.5k 3 16.6k 10.5k

💎 Dear Honista Users 💎

🔰 The magic tool to remove and change the photo background with Ai has been added to Honista Tools! 🛠

🎉 Now you can easily change the background of your photos and make cool stickers 🪄📸

🔰 To use tis tool, go to the tools menu, and select the Image Background Remover item.

📥 For direct installation, just download and install the app from @HonistaTools channel

✅ These tools created by Honista Team

Honista v10.1 — 64bit

🔰 Base: 347.

🔰 CPU Architecture: arm64-v8a

🔶 New Changes:

✅ Implement Favorite Pages

✅ Implement Note on Pages

✅ Fix Comment Bug


706.7k 2 33.1k 12.7k

Honista v9.1 — 64bit

🔰 Base: 328.

🔰 CPU Architecture: arm64-v8a

💎 New Features:

✅ Implement Select Language

✅ Implement Download Sound of Posts and Reels

✅ Implement Show Cover of Posts and Reels with Download Option

✅ Re-implementation of removing Instagram ads

✅ Implement Show Page Profile in Reels

✅ Fix Bugs

⚠️ If you had problems with the 64-bit version, use the 32-bit version to face fewer bugs.


1.4m 1 31.4k 14.1k

Honista v9.1 — 32bit

🔰 Base: 328.

🔰 CPU Architecture: armeabi-v7a

💎 New Features:

✅ Implement Select Language

✅ Implement Download Sound of Posts and Reels

✅ Implement Show Cover of Posts and Reels with Download Option

✅ Re-implementation of removing Instagram ads

✅ Implement Show Page Profile in Reels

✅ Fix Bugs


1.1m 0 11.7k 5.3k

Emoji Mixer added to Tools

🔰 With Emoji Mixer, you can combine 2 emojis and create a new emoji

You can use the new emoji in making stories or even other apps.

Hello to all Honista users

Dear users, at your request, we created a translation project on the crowdin website to translate the application settings into other languages.

Therefore, we invite those who want to participate in this plan to help us in this matter

Currently, this project is available in the following languages








We currently need help in French , Portuguese and Spanish

🗳 Also, in addition to the translation, you can help us by commenting on whether the translation is correct or incorrect (upvote & downvote)


👉👉👉 It is very important to rate the translations (upvote & downvote)

🙏 Thank you in advance for your cooperation

1m 0 345 2.9k

Honista v9.0 — 64bit

New Changes:

🔰 Update Base to 328.

🔰 CPU Architecture: arm64-v8a

💎 New Options Added to Instagram Secret Options.

⚠️ If you had problems with the 64-bit version, use the 32-bit version to face fewer bugs. 👈


1.1m 1 26.6k 11.2k

Honista v9.0 — 32bit

New Changes:

🔰 Update Base to 328.

🔰 CPU Architecture: armeabi-v7a

💎 New Options Added to Instagram Secret Options.


976.5k 0 10.1k 4.8k

Honista v8.2

New Changes:

🔰 Setting up the tools section (new features will be added online and you can activate them as you wish)

🔰 Adding artificial intelligence tools to the tools section (you can get help from artificial intelligence to write captions, reply to comments or Flirting in Direct!)

🔰 Implementation of page information editing (applies only localy on your phone)

🔰 Implement cancellation of uploads

🔰 Implementation of showing Reels caption as dialog

🔰 Implement hide or show Reels screen buttons to view video in full screen

🔰 Implement customization of magic button options in toolbar

🔰 Fix Bugs


1.8m 2 32.9k 13.4k

Honista Lite has been released! 😍

Honista Lite is a lightweight and stable version of Honista that has only the main features and is very smooth and light. 👌
Since app have fewer features, we can update the base faster, so users will experience continuous and faster updates. 🚀

What about the original version? 🤔
The original version continues on its way and will update as before, with many cool and amazing features. 💪

The main goal of the Lite version is for users who do not need many features and only want basic features, and the stability and speed of the app is very important. 🤌

You can Download Honista Lite from this Official Honista Lite channel:

👉 @Honista_Lite 👈
👉 @Honi
sta_Lite 👈
👉 @Honista_Lite 👈

1.4m 0 741 4.3k

Honista v8.1

New Changes:

🔰 Implement Show Expired Stories (instead of 24 hours, you have access to stories for 48 hours)

🔰 Implement Activity History (Quick Access for Searching Seen Posts, Pages, Stories and Reels)

🔰 Implement Profile Magic Button (Copy Bio, Enlarge Profile Photo, Expired Stories, Anti Ads)

🔰 Implement Copy Caption for Reels

🔰 Fix Bugs


1.7m 4 34.4k 14.7k

Honista v8.0

New Changes:

🔰 Update Base to 303.

🔰 Add Instagram Icon to Icons List

🔰 Implement Bug Fix Page including tools for Reset All Instagram Configs, Export Server Configs, Replace Configs

🔰 Fix Bugs

💎 New Options Added to Instagram Secret Options.


2m 25 33.7k 15.1k

Portuguese speaking users can chat in Portuguese in the group below
Usuários que falam português podem conversar em português no grupo abaixo


1.3m 0 178 2.9k

If Your Stories is Not Loaded and show "The Story is Unavailable":

1️⃣👉 Go to Honista Settings

2️⃣👉 Go to Instagram Secret Options

3️⃣👉 Go to Bug Fix Tab

4️⃣👉 Enable "Fix Story is Unavailable Problem"

5️⃣👉 Close and Open app Again

⚠️ If Problem not fixed, Please clear app cache.

🔰 If this options not exist, click on refresh button on toolbar.

1.5m 0 604 5.7k

Honista v7.2 (BUG FIX)

New Changes:

🔰 App Start Crash Fixed


❗️No New Features Added. Just app start crash fixed.


1.1m 3 13.5k 8.5k

Honista v7.1

New Changes:

🔰 Implement Show Deleted Messages

🔰 Implement Download Highlight Cover

🔰 Fix Bugs


1.6m 3 33.6k 15k

💎 Added Options:

🔶 Popular:
🔰 Activate Instagram Messenger Special Features

🔶 Story:
🔰 Activating Video Trimmer for More Than 60 Seconds Video In Story Creating
🔰 Activate Pinch to Zoom on Stories
🔰 Change Size of Story Circles on Home Page:  SMALL
🔰 Change Size of Story Circles on Home Page:  TINY
🔰 Activate Post the Story to Highlight Directly
🔰 Activate Story Group Replies

🔶 Direct:
🔰 Activate Auto Play Next Voice in Direct
🔰 Activate Unlike Reaction by Double Tap on Message
🔰 Activate Music in Notes in Direct
🔰 Activate Selecting Display of Notes for All Followers or Only the Followed Back Followers
🔰 Activate Direct Widget
🔰 Activate Channels Tab in Direct

🔶 Live:
🔰 Activate Live Only for Follow Back Users

🔶 Reels:
🔰 Activate Show Reels Caption in Comments
🔰 Activate Show Common followers who have liked Reels Post
🔰 Activate Reels Remix New Options
🔰 Activate Switch Between Suggested and Following in Reels Page

🔶 Camera:
🔰 Activate Green Screen Option in Reels Camera
🔰 Activate Boomerang for Reels Creating

🔶 Other:
🔰 Activate Threads
🔰 Activating Shared Activities (tags, likes, comments, follow date) Between You and Selected Page
🔰 Activate Show Liked by Author Comments


Hi Honista Users 👋

💎 New Options Added to Instagram Secret Options.

👉 Please go to Settings and Refresh Instagram Secret Options for Receive All New Options.

Honista v7.0

New Changes:

🔰 Update Base to

🔰 Fix Bugs


1.2m 3 25k 9.9k
Показано 20 последних публикаций.