📖 Daily English Learning 1. Ambitious (महत्वाकांक्षी)
Synonyms: Aspiring, Determined, Driven, Motivated, Goal-oriented
Antonyms: Lazy, Unmotivated, Indifferent, Content, Unaspiring
Sentence: She is very ambitious and wants to become a doctor.
हिन्दी अनुवाद: वह बहुत महत्वाकांक्षी है और डॉक्टर बनना चाहती है।
2. Bizarre (अजीब / विचित्र)
Synonyms: Strange, Weird, Unusual, Odd, Peculiar
Antonyms: Normal, Ordinary, Common, Usual, Conventional
Sentence: His bizarre behavior surprised everyone at the party.
हिन्दी अनुवाद: उसकी अजीब हरकत ने पार्टी में सभी को चौंका दिया।
3. Cautious (सावधान / सतर्क)
Synonyms: Careful, Alert, Watchful, Vigilant, Attentive
Antonyms: Careless, Reckless, Negligent, Inattentive, Rash
Sentence: He was cautious while crossing the busy road.
हिन्दी अनुवाद: वह व्यस्त सड़क पार करते समय सतर्क था।
4. Deceptive (भ्रामक / धोखेबाज)
Synonyms: Misleading, Dishonest, False, Fraudulent, Tricky
Antonyms: Honest, Truthful, Genuine, Transparent, Clear
Sentence: His calm appearance was deceptive; he was actually nervous.
हिन्दी अनुवाद: उसकी शांत उपस्थिति भ्रामक थी; वह वास्तव में घबराया हुआ था।
5. Enthusiastic (उत्साही / जोशीला)
Synonyms: Excited, Passionate, Eager, Energetic, Zealous
Antonyms: Bored, Uninterested, Indifferent, Apathetic, Dull
Sentence: The students were enthusiastic about the new project.
हिन्दी अनुवाद: छात्र नए प्रोजेक्ट के बारे में उत्साही थे।
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