Фильтр публикаций

🌟🌟 TMoe
is an open source Xposed module compatible with several third-party open source Telegram clients.

⚙️ Usage
After activating this module, click "TMoe Settings" in the settings of the Telegram client to turn on or off the corresponding functions.

✳️ Author: cinit

🔥 GitHub repository
🔥 GitHub Actions
🔥 MRP-Storage

🔁 Bootloop Protection

📣 Join: @magiskrootport
📣 Join: @mrpstorage
💬 Chat: @mrpdiscussion

🌟🌟 Systemless Cromite webview
Magisk module to use cromite webview systemless on Android 15.

✅ Tested on
OnePlus 7T with LOS 22.1 (Android 15) and Magisk 28.1

✳️ Author: gitzila

🔥 GitHub repository
🔥 GitHub releases
🔥 MRP-Storage

🔁 Bootloop Protection

📣 Join: @magiskrootport
📣 Join: @mrpstorage
💬 Chat: @mrpdiscussion

🌟🌟 8Elite automatically turns off the super-core Magisk module (auto_cpucloser)
Close cpu6-7 when the whitelist application is not in the foreground (the whitelist is located in /data/adb/modules/auto_cpucloser/packages.txt, fill in one package name per line, please do not delete the end of the file, the whitelist modification will take effect after restart)

✅ Only tested with GT7Pro

✳️Author: ChenYiYan123

🔥 GitHub repository
🔥 GitHub releases
🔥 MRP-Storage

🔁 Bootloop Protection

📣 Join: @magiskrootport
📣 Join: @mrpstorage
💬 Chat: @mrpdiscussion

🌟🌟 GoCryptFS - Magisk
This project provides working fusermount3 and gocryptfs binaries for arm64 devices, packaged as a Magisk module.

🛠️ Requirements
• ARM64 device
• Magisk 23.0 or greater installed
• Magisk's "Mount Namespace Mode" set to "Global"

✳️ Author: swazau

🔥 GitHub repository
🔥 GitHub releases
🔥 MRP-Storage

🔁 Bootloop Protection

📣 Join: @magiskrootport
📣 Join: @mrpstorage
💬 Chat: @mrpdiscussion

☀️ Payload Dumper
Dump Android Payload from full OTA URL


🌟🌟 microG Module
microG for Magisk/Kernelsu/Apatch

✳️ Author: Rikka

🔥 GitHub repository
🔥 GitHub releases
🔥 MRP-Storage

🔁 Bootloop Protection

📣 Join: @magiskrootport
📣 Join: @mrpstorage
💬 Chat: @mrpdiscussion

Репост из: Pavlova UI Project Channel 😍
PUI Theme For OS 15.0.0_v15.0.0.171.zip
PUI Theme For Oxygen OS15 update log:
1.1. Improve the blur depth of the cleanup icon according to the stacking style
2. Adapt to the OxygenOS developer preview based on Android 16 for the first time.
Now the PUI Theme work into Android 16 DP For OxygenOS.

Репост из: 𝗠𝗘𝗢𝗪 𝗗𝗨𝗠𝗣
Pixel Launcher for Android 15, 14, 13

🚀 Android 13 | 🚀 Android 14
🚀 Android 15 | 🚀 Android 15 qpr1

😢 Screenshots | ✅ Help Group

Notes & Changelog:

⭐ Shipped with Pix Material You, Exclusive Live Wallpaper, Pixel Launcher Mods, Emoji Wallpaper & Pixel Weather
⭐ Improved installation script & added uninstallation script
⭐ Dropped Theme Picker & added Google Wallpapers
⭐ Install Google app or fake Google app to fix widget crash
⭐ See this to fix themed icons
⭐ Confused between QPR? Read this
⭐ Import this backup file to save your time
⭐ Remove any installed launcher module before flashing
⭐ Don't flash on stock/port/GSI/EU ROMs

🌟🌟 Bootleggers-Bootanimation
This Module Installs Bootleggers Bootanimation systemlessly

🛠️ Requirements
Rooted device and Internet Connection

⚙️ How to install
• Flash Module in Magisk/KernelSU/Apatch
• Select Style To set

✅ Compatibility
devices which uses a /system/product/media/bootanimation.zip or /system/media/bootanimation.zip are supported

✳️ Author: rhythmcache.t.me

🔥 GitHub repository
🔥 GitHub releases
🔥 MRP-Storage

🔁 Bootloop Protection

📣 Join: @magiskrootport
📣 Join: @mrpstorage
💬 Chat: @mrpdiscussion

🔥 Introduction to Two Dolby Atmos Audio Optimization Modules for OnePlus 13

⚡️ Dolby Audio Enhancement Module and Features Enhancement Module

💢 If you're a OnePlus 13 user looking to enhance your device's audio quality, the Version 2.0 and Version 5.4.1 modules are excellent options. In this article, we’ll introduce these two modules and highlight their differences.

1️⃣ Dolby Audio Enhancement 2.0 Module

💢 This module is designed to enable and enhance Dolby Atmos audio. Unlike the default version, which only provides a user interface, this module activates the actual functionality of Dolby Atmos.

- Dolby Atmos Activation: This module fully enables Dolby Atmos, significantly improving the device's audio quality.
- Standalone Module: This version focuses solely on enabling Dolby Atmos and does not include any additional features.
- Manual Activation Required: After every reboot, you need to manually enable Dolby Atmos in the sound settings.

- Lightweight and simple.
- No conflicts with other modules.

- Requires manual activation after every reboot.

2️⃣ Features Enhancement v5.4.1 Module

💢 This is a more advanced module that, in addition to enabling Dolby Atmos, includes several complementary features.

- Dolby Atmos Activation: Like Version 2.0, this module also enables Dolby Atmos.
- Complementary Features: This version includes additional optimizations to enhance the audio experience.
- Automatic Activation: Once installed, there’s no need to manually enable Dolby Atmos after every reboot.

- Automatic settings with no need for manual activation.
- Includes complementary features for improved audio quality.

- Conflicts with other audio optimization modules.

Download Links for the Modules

- Dolby Audio Enhancement Module
- Features Enhancement Module

🌟🌟 aria2 (aria2-for-module)
Use root module manager (Magisk/KernelSU/APatch) to run aria2 and ariang

✳️ Author: Ai686

🔥 GitHub repository
🔥 GitHub releases
🔥 MRP-Storage

🔁 Anti bootloop
🔁 AshLooper

📣 Join: @magiskrootport
📣 Join: @mrpstorage
💬 Chat: @mrpdiscussion

🌟🌟 ChromeXt
Add UserScript and DevTools supports to Chromium based and WebView based browsers using Xposed framework.

✳️ Author: JingMatrix

🔥 GitHub repository
🔥 GitHub releases
🔥 MRP-Storage

🔁 Anti bootloop
🔁 AshLooper

📣 Join: @magiskrootport
📣 Join: @mrpstorage
💬 Chat: @mrpdiscussion

🌟🌟 AssetSideLoader
An LSPosed module that loads files from a custom path by hooking UnityEngine's internal methods to replace resources in External Storage or APK.

✳️ Author: AXiX-official

🔥 GitHub repository
🔥 GitHub releases
🔥 MRP-Storage

🔁 Anti bootloop
🔁 AshLooper

📣 Join: @magiskrootport
📣 Join: @mrpstorage
💬 Chat: @mrpdiscussion

🌟🌟 Swap-Disabler
Swap-Disabler is a Magisk module designed to disable swap at system startup. This module is particularly beneficial for devices equipped with a substantial amount of RAM, where the use of swap is unnecessary and may even hinder performance.

✳️ Author: Rompelhd

🔥 GitHub repository
🔥 GitHub releases
🔥 MRP-Storage

🔁 Anti bootloop
🔁 AshLooper

📣 Join: @magiskrootport
📣 Join: @mrpstorage
💬 Chat: @mrpdiscussion

🌟🌟 Huawei sound effects package (MagiskModule-EMUIMediaPack)

✳️ Author: HanaLuan

🔥 GitHub repository
🔥 GitHub releases
🔥 MRP-Storage

🔁 Anti bootloop
🔁 AshLooper

📣 Join: @magiskrootport
📣 Join: @mrpstorage
💬 Chat: @mrpdiscussion

Показано 20 последних публикаций.