Репост из: Masai x IIT Community
Will AI take away your jobs? Watch Sudarshan Iyengar, Head of Dept. of CSE, IIT Ropar talk about the importance of AI and how it is going to revolutionise the job market! 🚀
AI is projected to build around 97 Million jobs by 2025!
It's time to upskill with the Minor in AI program, Click here to apply: https://bit.ly/Minor_AI_IITRopar
Will AI take away your jobs? Watch Sudarshan Iyengar, Head of Dept. of CSE, IIT Ropar talk about the importance of AI and how it is going to revolutionise the job market! 🚀
AI is projected to build around 97 Million jobs by 2025!
It's time to upskill with the Minor in AI program, Click here to apply: https://bit.ly/Minor_AI_IITRopar