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Репост из: Botany Zoology
Welwitschia belongs to the group of gymnosperm plants

This unusual plant is sometimes called "living fossil" because it exists on the planet for millions of years.

Welwitschia is also known as "onion of desert" because indigenous people eat core of the plant.

Welwitschia is very old plant.It originates from Jurassic period when the gymnosperms were the most dominant plants on the Earth.

Репост из: Botany Zoology
Smallest gymnosperm is Zamia pygmea which reaches a height of 25 cm

This species of plant belongs to the Zamiaceae family.

It is an endemic plant of the western Cuban region

Репост из: Botany Zoology
Gnetum is a genus of gymnosperms, the sole genus in the family Gnetaceae and order Gnetales. They are tropical evergreen trees, shrubs and lianas.

Unlike other gymnosperms, they possess vessel elements in the xylem.

Репост из: Botany Zoology
The dodo bird, a relative of the pigeon, was a famous flightless bird that was driven to extinction by humans 175 years after its discovery on the island of Mauritius.

The last dodo recorded alive was in 1681.

Dodos were thought to lay and hatch a single egg at a time each season.

Репост из: Botany Zoology
The psilophytes, Psilotum and Tmesipteris (pronounced mezip-teris), are unique among vascular seedless plants. They constitute the only phylum of vascular plants that—like the nonvascular liverworts, hornworts, and mosses—lack both roots and leaves

Репост из: Botany Zoology
Palaeoaldrovanda splendens is an extinct species of carnivorous plant. Palaeoaldrovanda is only known from fossils of the late Turonian–Santonian Klikov beds of the Czech Republic.

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🐠Star Wrasse at the dentist's office.

In the mouth of the Star Wrasse, you'll find a small striped fish. This is the Cleaner Wrasse at work! These little sea doctors welcome any fish that wants to get rid of parasites and come to visit

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This is a species of fish found in tropical and subtropical waters of the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans. Despite its name, the Flying Gurnard cannot actually fly, but it does have the ability to "glide" through the water with its large, wing-like pectoral fins.

☄️ Botany Zoology

Leucism is a conditiln different then albinism, since is a partial loss of multiple pigments. One striking difference is the eye that in general is not red.

☄️ Botany Zoology

🍄 This is not an ordinary hedgehog - not because it is the rarest of the four hedgehog species that live in Iran (Brant's or Iranian hedgehog - Long-eared hedgehog - European hedgehog - Desert hedgehog) - not because it has only been reported in Iran from the Greater Tunb Island - just because it is very friendly.

🪵 Botany Zoology

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🎀 The squirrel's four teeth are constantly growing, so they must always be ground. It is not for nothing that the squirrel belongs to the rodents and is the most intelligent: the squirrel is not afraid to recognize a person in order to get its food, but at first it carefully observes him.

🎀 And if a person, according to a squirrel, is not going to share food with him, then a group of 4-5 squirrels gathers, and while some distract the person, others clean his plate.

🍄 Botany Zoology

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🌎 This hairy frogfish holds the record for the fastest bite.

It sucks in a vacuum and then snaps its prey in less than 200 microseconds, or one six-thousandth of a second. It does it so fast that even a slow-motion camera can't capture the details.

🍄 Botany Zoology

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They say yawning is contagious
I never thought a snake would make me yawn😁

🪵 Botany Zoology

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🐠 Fancy fish

It has several names at once - cockerel, fighting fish, Siamese cockerel or betta fish, and officially has the honorary name Betta Splendens, which in translation means "brilliant warrior".

🎀 Botany Zoology

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Leopard Chameleon Baby

Leopard chameleons are diurnal lizards that live in humid coastal areas with a warm climate. They live in Madagascar, as well as on the nearby islands of Nosy Be. Sainte-Marie and Nosy Mangabon. Choose suitable places among the foliage on the branches of trees and shrubs.

🎀 Botany Zoology

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The Antarctic icefish has a unique ability that enables it to live deep in the icy waters of the Southern Ocean. The species lacks hemoglobin and red blood cells, and instead produces anti-freeze proteins that allow it to adapt to the cold environment.
Dive into the Southern Ocean from the warmth and comfort of your own home.

🎀 Botany Zoology

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Meet the blue-ringed octopus, one of the most venomous marine species on Earth.

Although its sting contains the powerful neurotoxin tetrodotoxin, the animal is docile and unlikely to bite unless confronted. In this case, the octopus uses its flashing blue rings as a defense mechanism to warn off predators.

🎀 Botany Zoology

⏩ The Andean rock cock is a relatively rare bird, and its main feature is obvious. It actually has a beak, only it is carefully hidden under bright feathers. And its name is misleading. This bird has nothing to do with a rooster, it is from the order of passerines.

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