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Репост из: शक्ति रहस्य ⛥
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"जय जय हे

"jāy jāy he
mahisshasura mārđini
rāmya kāparđini
shaila sūte"

victory to you
victory to you
i take refuge
in your auspicious feets;
o the destroyer
of demon mahishasura;
victory to you
who shine with beautiful
locks of hair
and who is the daughter
of the mountain king;

Репост из: शक्ति रहस्य ⛥
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"भगवति हे

"bhāgāvāti he
shiti kāñntthā
bhūri kūttūmbini
bhūri krūte"

o divine mother
who is the shakti
of the one with
who has many many
relations in this world
[being the cosmic mother]
and who has created
abundance; [in creation]

Репост из: शक्ति रहस्य ⛥
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विष्णुविलासिनि जिष्णुनुते"

"giri vārā vińđhyā
shiro[a]đhi ńivāāsini
vishnnū vilāāsini
jissnnū ñūte"

o divine mother
i invoke you
o lovely mother
who dwell on
the summit of
the vinđhyās
the best of
the mountains;

o divine mother
who give joy
to bhāgwān vıshnū
as his loving sister
and who is praised
by indrādev;

Репост из: शक्ति रहस्य ⛥
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"अयि गिरिनन्दिनि

"āyi giri nånđını
nànďıtā međini
vishvā vinođini
nåndi nūte"

o divine mother
i invoke you
and take refuge
in your auspicious

o divine mother
salutations to you
o divine mother
i invoke you;
who is the daughter
of the king of

by whose presence
the whole world
is filled with joy;
for whom the whole
world is a divine play
and who is praised
by nandi;

Репост из: शक्ति रहस्य ⛥
mā đůrgā 《the daughter of the king of himālayā and ultimate mother of the world mā đůrgā

Репост из: यतो धर्मस्ततो जयः।
10 Richest Temple in India🇮🇳

Join us 👉🏻 @bharat7773 🙏🏻🚩🕉

Репост из: ब्रह्माण्ड ॐ
Maha Siddha Ishaputra's Message on Coronavirus Pandemic —
| #stayhome— #staysafe— #covid19— #gocoronago |
in light of current outbreak of corona virus worldwide, maha siddha ishaputra shares his view and assures his bhairavas and bhairavis to not panic. he assures that soon this outbreak will be over and advices everyone to follow the guidelines issued by government. until the issue of corona gets over, all activities of kaulantak peeth will be held online. kaulantak peeth prays for the wellbeing of all, protection from this virus and wishes for peace and health for all.

Репост из: åāđīpārāshåkťï_åāđïyögï ॐ
mā đůrgā yāntrā.jpg
— mā đůrgā most powerful yåntrā+māntrā —

śrīṃ śrīṃ śrīṃ
śrīṃ śrīṃ śrīṃ

aiṃ aiṃ aiṃ
aiṃ aiṃ aiṃ

hrīṃ hrīṃ hrīṃ hrīṃ
hrīṃ hrīṃ hrīṃ hrīṃ

oṁ oṁ oṁ oṁ
oṁ oṁ oṁ oṁ

aiṃ hrīṃ klīṃ
cāmuṇḍāyai vicce

sohaṃ sohaṃ sohaṃ sohaṃ
sohaṃ sohaṃ sohaṃ sohaṃ॥

Репост из: यतो धर्मस्ततो जयः।
some people need that kind of tough love, her māntras are often recited when people want quick solutions to their problems. all problems, be they physical, mental or ādhyātmik. however, unlike the other devis that nudge you and sometimes push. māā kāli will cut right to the chase and shove you. she will put you on the fast track to whatever it is you want. but remember, the fast track is not without its perils. often we need to grow step by step in order to attain any goal. for example person who wins the lotto will not appreciate the money as much as the person who worked hard to earn it. its no wonder almost all lotto winners end up losing the money and go deep into debt. take heed. māā kāli will help you in that "lotto". but it may not be pretty. when you spend the money and go into debt you might suffer. but you also might learn a lesson and grow from that seemingly negetive experience.

now lets understand, she is not acting harshly to punish you, she is thinking "if that's what you want, ok, but you're not ready for it. but after i get through with you, you will be". she acts like this to make you aware, that is her goal to open you up. she is acting from place of pure sacred compassion. if you have been stuck in your life and you are at a loss as to what to do and you are willing to get the proverbial kick in the ass to get you going... māā kāli is the one to turn to. #kali, #bhakti, #shivashakti, #origins, #creation, #kaliyuga, #time, #death, #extracts.
journey into the dark mother.

Репост из: यतो धर्मस्ततो जयः।
māā kāli, the dark mother of the hindu pantheon is often the most misunderstood devi in all western ādhyātmik endeavor. her images often depict her as being an evil and demonic force that few should ever dare call upon whilst others worship her as benign mother whom bestows blessings upon her supplicants. she is, in fact, both of these her imagery can send a chill down even the most jaded persons spine. she wears a garland with bloodied severed heads and a skirt of severed arms. she has a tongue sticking out of her mouth drenched and dripping with the blood of her enemies. not to forget a sword covered in human blood that she uses to cut away at the delusions of humanity. not an image the faint of heart would wish to see i am sure.

māā kāli's very name means "she who is black". some have said that her name means "she who is death". māā kāli is the devi shākti of the omniversal apocalypse, death and time. it is during her era, the kāli yugā we find ourselves in. it's an era of strife and yet renewal. all you need to do is watch the news and you will see we are clearly in her era. often the dark mother kāli can be associated with raw violence and unbridled sexuality. a figure that would be interpreted in the west as the embodiment of all that is evil, sinful and dark. but lets not forget that she is an emanation of the divine shākti, the core of the feminine divine, which is creative and powerful. she represents raw form of the sacred feminine. a form that takes tough love to new heights, but her wild and raging approach is often tempered with the intentions of a sweet caring mother. as i hinted above, not all traditions portray her as violent and wrathful. in some traditions she doesn't have such a raw persona. people like me worship her for her compassion and her infinite sacred love.

in essence, everything she does is not out of evil, its out of compassion. tough love, i suppose is one way to put it and that would be quite an understatement. she will challenge the stuffiness and properness you have acquired in this life. she will challenge who you think you are. she will spit in your face, she will push your buttons and will humble you. she will make you face your demons. cut away your pride. she will make you grow whether you feel you're ready or not. all for the sake of breaking you out of your shell, a shell you so readily hide in. māā kāli will throw you into your challenges raw. thus, letting you learn on your own. she would be the one to push you into the deep end of the pool so you can learn to swim. she will show you the futility of your overly valued words and notions of yourself to which we all idolatrously worship.

Репост из: यतो धर्मस्ततो जयः।
đhārmā is your natural, inborn, inherent function, nature or property. in a broader sense dhārmā is a body of āāđhyāťmık sāđhāna about how a person should live upon earth and regulate his life according to the best of the moral and āđhyātmik percepts. in a simple sense it denotes virtue, mortality, đhārmïk duties, yoga, and bhākti practice. pārāmıshāwār is the source and the upholder of sānātānā divinity.

in this dark phase of ķālīyūgā the life is considered in both traditions to be a battle between đhārmā (good) and adhārma (evil). pārāmıshāwārā always stays close to their devotees; a pure devotion to pārāmıshāwārā always makes you shrāđha towards your đhārmik duties. this is that pure source for you to battle against adharmaik asuras (asaurik pisāchas) this is that siđdhi; that will help you through this dark phase of ķālīyūgā.

◎ॐ नमः शिवाय◎

✨✨Aura Sensitization✨✨
Your aura is a protective energy shield around your body. If your aura is strong and healthy, you cannot catch an illness even if you are in a high-risk environment. Do you know, all your diseases express in your energy body at least six months before they are physically expressed! Just by checking the health of your aura, you can get advance warning of many physical diseases. On some days, we feel exhausted for no reason, even when we are in good health, and even when we haven’t been doing any strenuous work. If this happens to you, it is possible that you are living or working in an environment where a lot of subtle negative vibrations are being transmitted by people, mostly unconsciously. People are constantly broadcasting their tension, their anxiety, their anger, in subtle waves. If you don’t know how to protect yourself, you may pick up these vibrations automatically.

When your aura is strong, it can work as a protective shield around you. Your aura is a field of conscious energy. It is your point of interchange with the cosmic life-force. When you sensitize yourself to your aura, you are accessing an inexhaustible source of positive energy.

Before you go to sleep, sit up on your bed. Become aware of your aura. It is about six inches wide, surrounding your body like a halo. If you sensitize yourself to your aura, automatically you draw in positive and shielding energies. If you cannot feel your aura, it is enough if you can visualize it. This aura is caring and protective. Nothing can enter it. No outside vibration can affect you. Feel the loving energy of this aura. After a few minutes, fall asleep inside this aura. Feel as if you are falling asleep in the lap of the Divine. From the moment you wake up, keep this awareness of your aura with you throughout the day. This visualization will go deep into your unconscious and give you tremendous energy. You will experience a protective energy that surrounds you and protects you from negative influences at all times.
- Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam

Репост из: शिव रहस्य ॐ
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[down of existence reboot]

shiva rahasya


i m "शिव"
the "शि" (shi)
where of "व" (vā)
["all movement"]
is born as "water" "fire"
and the "sun" at once
move and are still
so i the great life both
move and stand still

Репост из: VivekaVani
Teach yourself, teach everyone his real nature, call upon the sleeping soul and see how it awakes. Power will come, glory will come, goodness will come, purity will come, everything that is excellent will come when this sleeping soul is roused to self-conscious activity.
— Swami Vivekananda

Репост из: Hindu 🚩
The Infinity himself : Shiva 🔱


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