🌷👇Here's what it contains👇🌷
Its a Careful compilation of all the important MICRO MNEMONICS of all chapters from Preeti mam lectures for a easier Revision before giving Grand Tests (As micro is very volatile ...keeping the Mnemonics on finger tips comes handy while solving questions)🌸
If u r struggling with MICRO REVISION...then this PDF is a Saviour for u♥️✨️
A very good compilation to add to ur Last minute Revision😇✨️
If this sounds interesting for u,,,,,then get ur Copy here👇💕
🌷👇Here's what it contains👇🌷
Its a Careful compilation of all the important MICRO MNEMONICS of all chapters from Preeti mam lectures for a easier Revision before giving Grand Tests (As micro is very volatile ...keeping the Mnemonics on finger tips comes handy while solving questions)🌸
If u r struggling with MICRO REVISION...then this PDF is a Saviour for u♥️✨️
A very good compilation to add to ur Last minute Revision😇✨️
If this sounds interesting for u,,,,,then get ur Copy here👇💕