Radiology report creating..To merge your positive findings into the normal report template you already have, follow these steps:
1. Join the Discord server using this link:
2. Navigate to the bot9-report-template-with-findings-merger channel.
3. Send only the positive findings in a single message in that channel.
4. After receiving the AI's response, send the normal template text as the next message.
5. The AI will merge the positive findings within the normal report template.
Before that, if you want to write all the positive findings of the scan using speech-to-text quickly, refer to this message:
https://t.me/radiology_chatgpt/261If the final report produced by the AI cannot be pasted into MS Word due to font size or symbol issues:
Paste the final report into
https://markdowntohtml.com/Delete the existing text in the "Enter markdown" box there, then paste the final report generated by the AI within that box.
You will receive a properly formatted radiology report below that box then.