Фильтр публикаций

Canaan Banana, the first president of Zimbabwe, passed a law in 1982 outlawing jokes about his name


Coffee makes the end of your intestine start contracting, like you are prepping for poop even if you have none. That why so many people want to poop after.


The bite of the Brazilian wandering spider can cause a prolonged erection lasting several hours.


Olivia Farnsworth, a UK teenager has a rare chromosome 6 deletion causing her to not feel pain, hunger, or fatigue. She is the only known person with all three symptoms.


⚡ Sonic the Hedgehog's full name is Ogilvie Maurice Wentworth Hedgehog.


In Ancient Rome, urine was a taxed commodity due to its value as a cleaning product. It was used to; clean dirt and grease from clothing, whiten, teeth, make leather, fertilize farm and was used in the laundry industry to clean and whiten woolen togas.


🍻 In Malaysia, children are bathed in beer because, according to legend, this drink brings them luck.


A 28 years old man from Russia went to the doctor after coughing up blood and having chest pains.

The doctors thought he had cancer and performed surgery to remove it when they removed the "Cancer" they found it was actually a tree growing inside him.



If you are in complete darkness for more than 3 days, you can permanently go blind.


Репост из: Sky Cross
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In Mexico the act of escaping from prison is considered legal because the law recognizes that all people have a fundamental desire to be free.


Youngest mom in history.

Lina Medina was just 5 years and 7 months, when she gave birth to her 2.7kg son.


In Japan, "inemuri, or sleeping on the job, is culturally accepted as a sign of hard work and commitment.


Iran is the only country where you can legally sell organs.


“Witzelsucht” is a set of rare neurological symptoms characterized by a tendency to make puns, or tell inappropriate jokes or pointless stories in socially inappropriate situations.


Dr. James Fallon, a neuroscientist studying the brains of psychopathic killers scanned his own brain as a control, only to discover that he himself was a psychopath. When he told his friends and family, the universal response was, "That explains a lot."


Anthropologist Grover Krantz donated his body to the Smithsonian with one condition: that his beloved dogs be kept close to him.

The museum respectfully fulfilled his request.


The mountain viscacha is the most tired animal on earth.


Surprisingly, Hydrogen sulfide, the gas responsible for the bad smell in farts, can potentially prevent serious health conditions like heart attacks, strokes, cancer, and dementia.


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