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𝕄𝕒𝕤𝕙𝕒 🧳 (Instagram)

🤩Hot 🥵 summer day - what do you prefer: 💧 ocean, sea, river or lake? 🌊
Have a great Tuesday evening! 🥰
Love, M. 💋
Pic by @8__xenia__
#whatdoiwear @leshadi

#fashion #fitgirl #teenmodel #onlineshopper #beauty #modella #influencer #teeninfluencer #ambassador #onlineshopping #comfyoutfit #croptop #girl #femininefeminist #iamfierce #swimsuitmodel #bikinimodel #fashionista #masha #mahsabwi #mashabwitravels #mashabwi_com #inpinkwetrust

𝕄𝕒𝕤𝕙𝕒 🧳 (Instagram)

Who else did watch the finals of the #euro2020 ⚽️?
My congratulations 🎉 to Italy 🇮🇹! Their goalkeeper was impressive the whole tournament 🏟 to be honest! 🤩
I wish you all a great week! 🥰
Love, M. 💋
Pics by @8__xenia__

#fashion #fitgirl #teenmodel #onlineshopper #beauty #modella #influencer #teeninfluencer #ambassador #onlineshopping #comfyoutfit #croptop #girl #femininefeminist #iamfierce #swimsuitmodel #bikinimodel #fashionista #masha #mahsabwi #mashabwitravels #mashabwi_com #inpinkwetrust #soccer #futbol

𝕄𝕒𝕤𝕙𝕒 🧳 (Instagram)

Tonight Belgian 🇧🇪 Red Devils 👹 are you going to watch the game?
They say they have chance to win 🥇 and they say that this is their last chance to win as this ‘golden’ 🏅 team is as good as too old 👨🏻‍🦳👨🏾‍🦳
If you are a football expert, what do you think about the team, their chances or who is about to win the championship 🏆?
Love, M. 💋
Pics by @8__xenia__
#whatdoiwear bikini 👙 by @boutinela

#fashion #fitgirl #teenmodel #onlineshopper #beauty #modella #influencer #teeninfluencer #ambassador #onlineshopping #comfyoutfit #croptop #girl #femininefeminist #iamfierce #swimsuitmodel #bikinimodel #fashionista #masha #mahsabwi #mashabwitravels #mashabwi_com #inpinkwetrust #reddevils #football #soccer #soccergirl

𝕄𝕒𝕤𝕙𝕒 🧳 (Instagram)

To all guys out there, one piece of advice! 🧐Wanna be a king 🤴? Treat your girl as a queen 👸 (skeptical🤨 and knowledgeable 🤓me would add - not in historical 🧙‍♀️context but rather a fairytale one 😜😅)
Have a great weekend! ❤️
Love, M. 💋
Pics by @8__xenia__
#whatdoiwear dress 👗 by @needleandthreadlondon
shoes 👠 by @jeffreycampbell

#fashion #fitgirl #teenmodel #onlineshopper #beauty #modella #influencer #teeninfluencer #ambassador #onlineshopping #comfyoutfit #croptop #girl #femininefeminist #iamfierce #swimsuitmodel #bikinimodel #fashionista #masha #mahsabwi #mashabwitravels #mashabwi_com #inpinkwetrust
#yoins #yoinscollection #yoinsstyle #yoins_official

𝕄𝕒𝕤𝕙𝕒 🧳 (Instagram)

🥰Let’s take a break from the heavy topics - and spread the chill mood 🍀

Pic by @8__xenia__
#whatdoiwear dress 👗 by @yoinsusa @yoins_official shoes by @buffaloshoes and jacket by @commafashion

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#fashion #fitgirl #teenmodel #onlineshopper #beauty #modella #influencer #teeninfluencer #ambassador #onlineshopping #comfyoutfit #croptop #girl #femininefeminist #iamfierce #swimsuitmodel #bikinimodel #fashionista #masha #mahsabwi #mashabwitravels #mashabwi_com #inpinkwetrust
#yoins #yoinscollection #yoinsstyle #yoins_official

𝕄𝕒𝕤𝕙𝕒 🧳 (Instagram)

Ready to walk the new ways 😻😸🙀🌌
Pics by @8__xenia__
#whatdoiwear @bershka @buffaloshoes @piecesofficial

#fashion #fitgirl #teenmodel #onlineshopper #beauty #modella #influencer #teeninfluencer #ambassador #onlineshopping #comfyoutfit #croptop #girl #femininefeminist #iamfierce #swimsuitmodel #bikinimodel #fashionista #masha #mahsabwi #mashabwitravels #mashabwi_com #inpinkwetrust

𝕄𝕒𝕤𝕙𝕒 🧳 (Instagram)

📣 Well, time for a new story! I get the congratulations for the Belgian Red 👹Devils football (soccer)⚽️ team who is doing it pretty 🤩 well in the European Championship🏆
Before we are about to go discuss the teams, championships and that sport, let’s just have some fun with the linguistically funny stuff - how my dear American 🇺🇸 friends call something where is no ball ⚽️ (ball supposed to be round??) but a weird thingy 🏈 and no foot 🦶 involved - football 🤣 and our normal football you call soccer 🥅 (we have foot 🦶 and ball ⚽️ in the game!) why oh why? 😱🙄😅
Love, M. 💋
Pic by @8__xenia__
#whatdoiwear top by @vspink jeans by @yoinsusa @yoins_official

Your Inspiration of Every Date!
Discount code:RU15 for 15% off,RU20 for 20% off if order over $65

#fashion #fitgirl #teenmodel #onlineshopper #beauty #modella #influencer...

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𝕄𝕒𝕤𝕙𝕒 🧳 (Instagram)

Divide et impera 😎
I do not understand 🤷‍♀️how the people do not get it - this concept been used on them the entire time? 😏🙇‍♀️
This morning I read the weekend news 📰 and see that in Brussels some folks got together in the park (anti-corona measures protest 🪧) and they had been violently treated by the police 👮‍♂️... I read the comments to the news, and I see both parties fighting with each other - one supporting the protesters coming for the freedom of the people and against the police violence, the others for the lack of solidarity with the front line hospital 🏥 workers and support the police violence...
Been kept divided and fighting one another, we will stay ♾ easy to manipulate 😏
Stay safe, think, love ❤️
Have a great week! 🤞🥰
Love, M. 💋
Pics by @8__xenia__

#whatdoiwear skirt by @yoinsusa @yoins_official top by @bershka

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𝕄𝕒𝕤𝕙𝕒 🧳 (Instagram)

Last post about my thesis 📜Many of you comment ‘luckily 🥳we do not live in those times anymore’ while I have been writing about the history⌛️ of women’s 👯‍♀️rights in my previous posts. Well, maybe, some ways we are that ‘lucky’, however😏 I cannot agree that we are having it good right now😕. There are still too many issues to be addressed. In different parts of the world 🗺 there are different kinds of discrimination and/or restrictions of the women rights and freedoms, like freedom of movement, right to health, education, reproductive rights, freedom from violence… just to name a few… 😕The lately upcoming ultra conservative movements across the globe 🌍 , do not predict 🔮any better for the future, and look pretty scary from a girl’s perspective… 😞you know, no one girl would choose to live in Republic of Gilead 🥀right?
That is why I find it...

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