1. Season 01
Episode-00 | Welcome to NamasteNodeJS
How to start with Namaste Node.js
Episode-01 | Introduction to NodeJS
Discover NodeJS: a powerful tool for running JavaScript on the server. Learn its basics and why it's a game-changer.
Episode-02 | JS on Server
Episode-03 | Let's write code
Episode-04 | module.export & require
Episode-05 | Diving into the NodeJS github repo
Episode-06 | libuv & async IO
Episode-07 | sync, async, setTimeoutZero - code
Learn the differences between synchronous and asynchronous code, and the role of setTimeoutZero in NodeJS.
Episode-08 | Deep dive into v8 JS Engine
Episode-09 | libuv & Event Loop
Episode-10 | Thread pool in libuv
Understand the thread pool in libuv and how it manages multiple tasks in NodeJS.
Episode-11 | Creating a Server
Episode-12 | Databases - SQL & NoSQL
Episode-13 | Creating a database & mongodb
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