Postlar filtri

Updated @AutoForwardBot:

Fixed some bugs, improved performance and strings.

Added support for groups as source; (Beta)

Report bugs below.

©️ @Memers_Gallery

Added. For groups only. Use @Sagiribot for channel.

©️ @Memers_Gallery

Do you want @AutoForwardBot to automatically delete service message: "xbot pinned this message" ?
  •   Yes
  •   No
60 ta ovoz

It's dead meat again.

©️ @Memers_Gallery

Updated @AutoForwardBot:

Fixed some bugs, improved strings and performance.

Added clone by clone connections, which means connection to a chat is clone specific.

Add some more things to /limits !

©️ @Memers_Gallery


©️ @Memers_Gallery

Dear Users!

There will be scheduled maintenance on

Starting from now.

Your connection data will be lost, for something new.

©️ @Memers_Gallery

Updated @FileStoreMakerBot:

Fixed links for big batches.

Reduced batch size to 50 messages only.

©️ @Memers_Gallery

Made @PriceTracker_RoBot live again!

Rewritten in Golang.

Known bugs: share links of Flipkart isn't working.
Report bugs and do test it out!

©️ @Memers_Gallery

technical glitch in @ForceSubscriber_Bot is fixed.

©️ @Memers_Gallery


©️ @Memers_Gallery

Fixed lyrics in @RubinaRobot!

©️ @Memers_Gallery

Made new @SparksManagerBot, a similar bot like @annihilatorrrrbot but it works with topics!

Made in Go!

©️ @Memers_Gallery

Rumours say that if you reply that to a banned account your account would also get banned.

Updated @AutoJoinRequestManagerBot:

Fixed some bugs.

Improved performance.

Fixed some strings.

Added stats, broadcast, fbroadcast in the clones.

©️ @Memers_Gallery

Wrote @DogememerBot in Golang too, but unfortunately Go don't have any libs to support emojis in the image, except that all done.


©️ @Memers_Gallery

Updated @AutoJoinRequestManagerBot:

Fixed some small strings.

Made it completely in Golang with the help of @Tamilvip007 !

©️ @Memers_Gallery

Updated @BuySubscriptionRoBot:

Fixed some bugs.

Added the ability to generate QR codes directly for you to just scan no need for writing the amount, it's all written there.

©️ @Memers_Gallery

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.