AAU Libraries Hosts Training in Generative AI, AI Ethics
In an endeavor to close the AI skills gap, AAU Libraries, in collaboration with the University’s E-learning Unit, offered a daylong up-skilling training course to the university’s academic staff and postgraduate students to increase the adoption of Artificial Intelligence in research and scholarship.
The training facilitated by Dr Melkamu Beyene, Director of AAU Libraries and Dr Temtim Assefa, E-learning Unit Coordinator at AAU, also included emerging ethical issues as they relate to AI and the deployment of technological mechanisms to detect ethical violations.
In particular, the trainers said, Turnitin, a leading provider of technology solutions in academic integrity to which AAU has a subscription, has enhanced AI writing detection capacity and will help faculty in the provision of enhanced Similarity Reports to help them identify when content generated by AI writing tools may have been submitted.
In an endeavor to close the AI skills gap, AAU Libraries, in collaboration with the University’s E-learning Unit, offered a daylong up-skilling training course to the university’s academic staff and postgraduate students to increase the adoption of Artificial Intelligence in research and scholarship.
The training facilitated by Dr Melkamu Beyene, Director of AAU Libraries and Dr Temtim Assefa, E-learning Unit Coordinator at AAU, also included emerging ethical issues as they relate to AI and the deployment of technological mechanisms to detect ethical violations.
In particular, the trainers said, Turnitin, a leading provider of technology solutions in academic integrity to which AAU has a subscription, has enhanced AI writing detection capacity and will help faculty in the provision of enhanced Similarity Reports to help them identify when content generated by AI writing tools may have been submitted.