------------: SBI PO :---------------
Age:- Between 02/04/1994 to
Graduation:- Before 30/04/2025
Hand Written Declaration:-
“I,(Name of the candidate), (Date of Birth) hereby declare that all the information submitted by me in the application form is correct, true and valid. I will present the supporting documents as and when required. The signature, photograph and left thumb impression is of mine”.
Signature:- Black Pen
Declaration:- Black Pen
Thumb :- Blue/Black Pen
For better results make a 3cm×3cm square on white paper for THUMB
10cm×5cm for Sign
https://ibpsonline.ibps.in/sbiponov24/Last date:- 16/01/2025
Expected Date of
Pre Exam:- 8 & 15th March
Mains :- April/May