✅ Functions of Brain
➖ Sensory processing: The brain receives and processes sensory information from the five senses (sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell).
➖ Movement control: The brain coordinates and controls voluntary and involuntary movement.
➖ Emotion regulation: The brain regulates emotional responses and experiences.
➖ Learning and memory: The brain is responsible for encoding, storing, and retrieving memories.
➖ Thinking and reasoning: The brain is responsible for complex mental processes such as problem-solving, decision-making, and abstract thinking.
➖ Language processing: The brain processes language and allows for speech and communication.
➖ Homeostasis: The brain regulates various physiological processes, such as hunger, thirst, and temperature control, to maintain a stable internal environment.
➖ Sensory processing: The brain receives and processes sensory information from the five senses (sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell).
➖ Movement control: The brain coordinates and controls voluntary and involuntary movement.
➖ Emotion regulation: The brain regulates emotional responses and experiences.
➖ Learning and memory: The brain is responsible for encoding, storing, and retrieving memories.
➖ Thinking and reasoning: The brain is responsible for complex mental processes such as problem-solving, decision-making, and abstract thinking.
➖ Language processing: The brain processes language and allows for speech and communication.
➖ Homeostasis: The brain regulates various physiological processes, such as hunger, thirst, and temperature control, to maintain a stable internal environment.