Is it okay to masturbate without porn?
No, it's not okay! First of all, it's an addiction. You will say it's a choice. If it were a choice, you would be able to go without it for as long as you want. You can't do so because of the brainwashing. So, no, it's not a choice. It's a compulsive behaviour and hence, an addiction.
An addiction is always harmful. Whether it's porn, masturbation with porn or masturbation without porn or just edging, it still releases abnormally high amount of dopamine, makes you addicted to it, so you don't find pleasure in normal things that release much less dopamine.
Further due to high dopamine release, your dopamine receptors get damaged and due to that, your ability to face stress, boredom and anxiety reduce and even a little stressful situation becomes intolerable for you.
Further, you again masturbate because you are unable to deal with anxiety, stress and boredom and this makes you even more addicted and with every passing day, situations become more and more stressful for you.
This is how any dopamine addiction works. And this is only one of the many disadvantages. Whether it's porn or masturbation with porn or masturbation without porn or porn without masturbation or just edging, all these are bad for you. You can quit all of these and you must quit all of these.
Not just PMO. Any addiction destroys your life. It can never be healthy for you. You are addicted because of the brainwashing, Read EasyPeasy to remove the brainwashing.
You can and will quit. The moment you deeply understand these facts and defeat your brainwashing, you are never going to watch porn or masturbate again. Your addiction is terrified of this reality but you are far stronger than your addiction.
On Reddit, the author of EasyPeasy wrote, "Ejaculating creates a 12 day prolactin spike because your brain is working to inhibit the dopamine release. Don't think about this too hard, just quit. To be honest, I hate the feeling of ejaculating as I find it numbs my vibration. I was discussing it with a friend and we both agreed it was probably one of the worst feelings a guy can experience."
You don't need to worry about the harmful effects at all. You should liberate yourself and feel joyful and elated because you are not going to suffer these anymore.
Once you become aware of the reality, you kill the Big Monster. The Little Monster is also going to die soon. When you get "urges", realize that they are the last cries of the dying Little Monster. Feel happy because this Little Monster will also die soon. Rejoice in the death of your addiction.
No, it's not okay! First of all, it's an addiction. You will say it's a choice. If it were a choice, you would be able to go without it for as long as you want. You can't do so because of the brainwashing. So, no, it's not a choice. It's a compulsive behaviour and hence, an addiction.
An addiction is always harmful. Whether it's porn, masturbation with porn or masturbation without porn or just edging, it still releases abnormally high amount of dopamine, makes you addicted to it, so you don't find pleasure in normal things that release much less dopamine.
Further due to high dopamine release, your dopamine receptors get damaged and due to that, your ability to face stress, boredom and anxiety reduce and even a little stressful situation becomes intolerable for you.
Further, you again masturbate because you are unable to deal with anxiety, stress and boredom and this makes you even more addicted and with every passing day, situations become more and more stressful for you.
This is how any dopamine addiction works. And this is only one of the many disadvantages. Whether it's porn or masturbation with porn or masturbation without porn or porn without masturbation or just edging, all these are bad for you. You can quit all of these and you must quit all of these.
Not just PMO. Any addiction destroys your life. It can never be healthy for you. You are addicted because of the brainwashing, Read EasyPeasy to remove the brainwashing.
You can and will quit. The moment you deeply understand these facts and defeat your brainwashing, you are never going to watch porn or masturbate again. Your addiction is terrified of this reality but you are far stronger than your addiction.
On Reddit, the author of EasyPeasy wrote, "Ejaculating creates a 12 day prolactin spike because your brain is working to inhibit the dopamine release. Don't think about this too hard, just quit. To be honest, I hate the feeling of ejaculating as I find it numbs my vibration. I was discussing it with a friend and we both agreed it was probably one of the worst feelings a guy can experience."
You don't need to worry about the harmful effects at all. You should liberate yourself and feel joyful and elated because you are not going to suffer these anymore.
Once you become aware of the reality, you kill the Big Monster. The Little Monster is also going to die soon. When you get "urges", realize that they are the last cries of the dying Little Monster. Feel happy because this Little Monster will also die soon. Rejoice in the death of your addiction.