⚠️ Important Announcement ⚠️
We have identified a scammer impersonating one of our admins.
🚨 Details:
The scammer mimics the admin's name and profile picture to deceive members.
Current Tag: [@MlsterBack] [@Luffy_smokas]
❌ Please Note: This is NOT the real admin, MisterBack. It is an imitation.
🔒 Stay Safe:
Avoid interacting with this account.
Never share personal information or send money to anyone claiming to be an admin without verification.
We are actively working to address this issue. Thank you for your vigilance!
We have identified a scammer impersonating one of our admins.
🚨 Details:
The scammer mimics the admin's name and profile picture to deceive members.
Current Tag: [@MlsterBack] [@Luffy_smokas]
❌ Please Note: This is NOT the real admin, MisterBack. It is an imitation.
🔒 Stay Safe:
Avoid interacting with this account.
Never share personal information or send money to anyone claiming to be an admin without verification.
We are actively working to address this issue. Thank you for your vigilance!