English Grammar SSC CGL QUIZ ™

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✅ Daily The Hindu Vocabulary | 06.08.2024

1. EVADE (VERB): (बचना): elude
Synonyms: avoid, dodge
Antonyms: confront
Example Sentence:
Friends helped him to evade my woes.

2. APPREHEND (VERB): (पकड़ना): arrest
Synonyms: catch, capture
Antonyms: let go
Example Sentence:
A warrant was issued but he has not been apprehended.

3. ONGOING (ADJECTIVE): (चल रही है): in progress
Synonyms: under way, going on
Antonyms: finished
Example Sentence:
Negotiations are ongoing right now.

4. REVIVE (VERB): (फिर ताजा करना): reinvigorate
Synonyms: revitalize, refresh
Antonyms: torpefy
Example Sentence:
The cool, refreshing water revived us all.

5. OPERATIVE (ADJECTIVE): (क्रियाशील): in force
Synonyms: effective, in effect
Antonyms: invalid
Example Sentence:
The transmitter is operative.

6. ABSOLVE (VERB): (दोषमुक्त करना): exonerate
Synonyms: discharge, acquit
Antonyms: blame
Example Sentence:
The pardon absolved them of all the crimes.

7. PREJUDICIAL (ADJECTIVE): (हानिकारक): detrimental
Synonyms: damaging, injurious
Antonyms: beneficial
Example Sentence:
The proposals were considered prejudicial to the city centre.

8. IMPOVERISH (VERB): (शक्तिहीन करना): weaken
Synonyms: sap, exhaust
Antonyms: strengthen
Example Sentence:
The soil was impoverished by annual burning.

9. RELIABLE (ADJECTIVE): (विश्वसनीय): dependable
Synonyms: good, well founded
Antonyms: unreliable
Example Sentence:
Newspapers are no more a reliable source of information.

10. DASTARDLY (ADJECTIVE): (दुष्ट): wicked
Synonyms: evil, iniquitous
Antonyms: noble
Example Sentence:
We all know the pirates and their dastardly deeds.

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l complimented him ..... his brilliant success in the examination.
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  •   to
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  •   over
1176 ta ovoz

Do not quarrel…...... your neighbours.
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  •   against
1170 ta ovoz

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Sindhu was greatly amused ............ the performance of the dancing goats.
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1439 ta ovoz

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary | 04.08.2024

1.SABOTAGE (VERB): (नुक़सान पहुंचाना): wreck
Synonyms: vandalize, destroy
Antonyms: strengthen
Example Sentence:
Power lines from South Africa were sabotaged by rebel forces.

2. AFFORDABLE (ADJECTIVE): (किफायती): inexpensive
Synonyms: cheap, reasonably priced
Antonyms: expensive
Example Sentence:
Goa has affordable houses for everyone.

3. THRIVE (VERB): (फलना-फूलना): flourish
Synonyms: prosper burgeon
Antonyms: increase
Example Sentence:
Education groups tend to thrive on organization.

4.COMPLACENCY (NOUN): (शालीनता): smugness
Synonyms: self-satisfaction, self-approval
Antonyms: dissatisfaction
Example Sentence:
The figures are better, but there are no grounds for complacency.

5. SPUR (VERB): (प्रोत्साहित करना): stimulate
Synonyms: encourage, prompt
Antonyms: discourage
Example Sentence:
Her sons' passion for computer games spurred her to set up a software business.

6. CRITICAL (ADJECTIVE): (महत्वपूर्ण): crucial
Synonyms: vital, essential
Antonyms: unimportant
Example Sentence:
Temperature is a critical factor in successful fruit storage.

7. ANNIHILATE (VERB): (मिटा देना): destroy
Synonyms: wipe out, obliterate
Antonyms: create
Example Sentence:
A simple bomb could annihilate all.

8. TENUOUS (ADJECTIVE): (थोड़ा): slight
Synonyms: insubstantial, flimsy
Antonyms: convincing
Example Sentence:
The tenuous link between interest rates and investment.

9. STRIFE (NOUN): (झगड़ा): conflict
Synonyms: friction, discord
Antonyms: harmony
Example Sentence:
There was strife within the community.

10.STRENUOUS (ADJECTIVE): (कठिन): arduous
Synonyms: difficult, hard
Antonyms: easy
Example Sentence:
Her lean body handled the strenuous task easily.

एक कदम सफलता की ओर...

Select the most appropriate article to fill in the blank. _________ bed you sleep in is broken.
  •   On
  •   An
  •   A
  •   The
2189 ta ovoz

Select the most appropriate synonym of the bracketed word in the following sentence to fill in the blank. Lead paint is an environmental ____ (danger) and can harm children.
  •   A. Hazard
  •   B. Conflict
  •   C. Toil
  •   D. Empathy
2116 ta ovoz

The TV is too quiet. Can you turn it _____ a bit?
  •   up
  •   back
  •   off
  •   over
2128 ta ovoz

✅ Daily The Hindu Vocabulary | 29.08.2024

1. BANDY (ADJECTIVE): (झुका हुआ): bowed
Synonyms: curved, bent
Antonyms: straight
Example Sentence:
She had legs that were bent and slightly bandy.

2. SPLENDOUR (NOUN): (वैभव): magnificence
Synonyms: grandeur, opulence
Antonyms: modesty
Example Sentence:
The barren splendour of the Lake District looked stunning.

3. INDICT (VERB): (अभियोग लगाना): charge with
Synonyms: summon, cite
Antonyms: acquit
Example Sentence:
His former manager was indicted for fraud.

4. RELATIVE (ADJECTIVE): (तुलनात्मक): comparative
Synonyms: respective, comparable
Antonyms: absolute
Example Sentence:
The relative effectiveness of the various mechanisms is not known.

5. CONFER (VERB): (प्रदान करना): bestow on
Synonyms: present with/to, grant to
Antonyms: withhold
Example Sentence:
The Minister may have exceeded the powers conferred on him by Parliament.

6. OBNOXIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (अप्रिय): unpleasant
Synonyms: disagreeable, nasty
Antonyms: delightful
Example Sentence:
They overthrew the chancellor who was very obnoxious to them.

7. BLIGHT (NOUN): (यातना): affliction
Synonyms: scourge, bane
Antonyms: blessing
Example Sentence:
The vacant properties are a blight on the neighbourhood.

8. DEFY (VERB): (अवज्ञा करना): disobey
Synonyms: go against, flout
Antonyms: obey
Example Sentence:
She is a woman who defies convention.

9. COLLISION (NOUN): (टकराव): clash
Synonyms: conflict, opposition
Antonyms: coalescence
Example Sentence:
When she married an NRI, collision of two diverse cultures took place.

10. DIRE (ADJECTIVE): (अत्यंत गंभीर): terrible
Synonyms: dreadful, appalling
Antonyms: excited
Example Sentence:
Misuse of drugs have dire consequences.

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  •   A-B
  •   B-C
  •   A-D
  •   D-B
  •   No rearrangement
1221 ta ovoz

A learn(A) cannot express itself(B) with speech, so its owner(C) must dog(D) how to interpret its behavior

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