🦷 Types of Teeth & Their Count 🦷
1️⃣ Incisors (कृंतक दांत): 8 in total (4 upper, 4 lower), used for cutting food 🍎.
2️⃣ Canines (रदनक दांत): 4 in total (2 upper, 2 lower), used for tearing food 🍖.
3️⃣ Premolars (अग्रचर्वक दांत): 8 in total (4 upper, 4 lower), used for crushing and grinding food 🍞.
4️⃣ Molars (चर्वक दांत): 12 in total (6 upper, 6 lower), used for final grinding and chewing of food 🥩.
Healthy teeth, healthy life! 😁✨
Follow WhatsApp/Telegram Channel | Science By Neeraj Sir
1️⃣ Incisors (कृंतक दांत): 8 in total (4 upper, 4 lower), used for cutting food 🍎.
2️⃣ Canines (रदनक दांत): 4 in total (2 upper, 2 lower), used for tearing food 🍖.
3️⃣ Premolars (अग्रचर्वक दांत): 8 in total (4 upper, 4 lower), used for crushing and grinding food 🍞.
4️⃣ Molars (चर्वक दांत): 12 in total (6 upper, 6 lower), used for final grinding and chewing of food 🥩.
Healthy teeth, healthy life! 😁✨
Follow WhatsApp/Telegram Channel | Science By Neeraj Sir