Written by my Discord friend KRATOS (for followers of EasyPeasy Method) -
Every non user out there.
Yeah you!
Even people relapsing after understanding the book, listen to me!
Once you close the browser after your final session it's over.
Final session isn't supposed to be like ,oh no i can never watch porn anymore i will watch all my favourites and then after I get bored will close.
I am afraid that isn't a final session and its proof that u still aren't in the right mindset (not prepared for the final session)
U need to see the reality that porn isn't giving you anything, the euphoria is a fallacy. It promises a pleasure when u boot up the tab to pmo but then with the speed your dopamine surges
The dopamine crashes even faster
So after edging for hours u masturbate to relieve the sexual tension orgasming to the ejaculation.
But u suddenly feel guilt shame or remorse that why u had to do it?
It's like wearing super tight shoes so tight that there isn't any blood flowing into your feet
The moment you remove the shoes the warm blood flowing into the feet ah what a pleasure....
While a non user
Is always in this state
A user seeks this by pmoing overlooking the fact that he was already free before the session
Anyways i am glad no one forces me to wear tight shoes
I presume no one forces you wear tight shoes
Ask yourself why u force urself to wear the tight shoes?
Felling depressed after some time u pmo again---it's a endless cycle
Unless you see this trap u cant be free.
Now for those who sometimes doubt or get scared.
Remember why u quit porn and just imagine the process of pmoing from the beginning to the end ask yourself if you can truly be happy and elated like how the non user is elated.
Important: you have no will towards porn. I mean that is the reason u escaped. Don't doubt
You are not your reactions, feelings, thoughts, whims. And frankly,some of those are worth moving on from, because they don't matter,
they're just meaningless clutter, lots of memories and hard to explain biochemical events that appear less and less as you let go of them as soon as possible and direct your neurons/thinking more towards what truly matters to you
See why u relapsed ask yourself if it was worth it
Now the ritual
-Read the affirmations, notes (Lance notes are great)
-Make the vow of never watching porn in your mind and say it aloud if u wish
- yeah you can call yourself a non user now
- leave. It's over the ritual is done
Don't fret if u still have porn thought popping up
Examine them for what it really Is. A desperate attempt of the little monster to brainwash u into porn.
It loves the idea of slip ups and creates doubts and suggestions within your mind and decieves it as your own thoughts
To the ppl slipping.
EasyPeasy says -
Get this mental picture clearly in your mind, for it can be quite helpful in overcoming the power of external stimuli to disturb you. See yourself sitting quietly, letting the phone ring, ignoring its signal, unmoved by its command. Although you are aware of it, you no longer mind or obey it. Also, get clearly in your mind the fact that the outside signal in itself has no power over you, no power to move you. In the past you have obeyed it, responded to it, purely out of habit. You can, if you wish, form a new habit of not responding.
Also notice that your failure to respond does not consist in doing something, or making an effort, or resisting or fighting, but in doing nothing — in relaxation from doing. You merely relax, ignore the signal, and let its summons go unheeded. The telephone ringing is a symbolic analogy to any and every other outside stimulus you might habitually give control over to and now choose to very intentionally alter that habit.
Every non user out there.
Yeah you!
Even people relapsing after understanding the book, listen to me!
Once you close the browser after your final session it's over.
Final session isn't supposed to be like ,oh no i can never watch porn anymore i will watch all my favourites and then after I get bored will close.
I am afraid that isn't a final session and its proof that u still aren't in the right mindset (not prepared for the final session)
U need to see the reality that porn isn't giving you anything, the euphoria is a fallacy. It promises a pleasure when u boot up the tab to pmo but then with the speed your dopamine surges
The dopamine crashes even faster
So after edging for hours u masturbate to relieve the sexual tension orgasming to the ejaculation.
But u suddenly feel guilt shame or remorse that why u had to do it?
It's like wearing super tight shoes so tight that there isn't any blood flowing into your feet
The moment you remove the shoes the warm blood flowing into the feet ah what a pleasure....
While a non user
Is always in this state
A user seeks this by pmoing overlooking the fact that he was already free before the session
Anyways i am glad no one forces me to wear tight shoes
I presume no one forces you wear tight shoes
Ask yourself why u force urself to wear the tight shoes?
Felling depressed after some time u pmo again---it's a endless cycle
Unless you see this trap u cant be free.
Now for those who sometimes doubt or get scared.
Remember why u quit porn and just imagine the process of pmoing from the beginning to the end ask yourself if you can truly be happy and elated like how the non user is elated.
Important: you have no will towards porn. I mean that is the reason u escaped. Don't doubt
You are not your reactions, feelings, thoughts, whims. And frankly,some of those are worth moving on from, because they don't matter,
they're just meaningless clutter, lots of memories and hard to explain biochemical events that appear less and less as you let go of them as soon as possible and direct your neurons/thinking more towards what truly matters to you
See why u relapsed ask yourself if it was worth it
Now the ritual
-Read the affirmations, notes (Lance notes are great)
-Make the vow of never watching porn in your mind and say it aloud if u wish
- yeah you can call yourself a non user now
- leave. It's over the ritual is done
Don't fret if u still have porn thought popping up
Examine them for what it really Is. A desperate attempt of the little monster to brainwash u into porn.
It loves the idea of slip ups and creates doubts and suggestions within your mind and decieves it as your own thoughts
To the ppl slipping.
EasyPeasy says -
Get this mental picture clearly in your mind, for it can be quite helpful in overcoming the power of external stimuli to disturb you. See yourself sitting quietly, letting the phone ring, ignoring its signal, unmoved by its command. Although you are aware of it, you no longer mind or obey it. Also, get clearly in your mind the fact that the outside signal in itself has no power over you, no power to move you. In the past you have obeyed it, responded to it, purely out of habit. You can, if you wish, form a new habit of not responding.
Also notice that your failure to respond does not consist in doing something, or making an effort, or resisting or fighting, but in doing nothing — in relaxation from doing. You merely relax, ignore the signal, and let its summons go unheeded. The telephone ringing is a symbolic analogy to any and every other outside stimulus you might habitually give control over to and now choose to very intentionally alter that habit.