Offensive Twitter

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Hindiston, Inglizcha
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😈 [ trickster0 @trickster012 ]

I just released my C2 I was working on, on my free time. Feel free to play around make your own forks if you like it. It needs a lot of work but it is a fully rust one with small implant and working sleep obfuscation.


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👹 [ sn🥶vvcr💥sh @snovvcrash ]

Got curious how the new App-Bound Chromium Encryption can be bypassed, so here’s a minimal PoC for decrypting the Local State key as a non-elevated user via an RPC call to the elevator service (path validation must still be taken into account though):


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😈 [ Mandiant (part of Google Cloud) @Mandiant ]

🚨 Mandiant observed #LummaC2 stealers leveraging a new obfuscation technique to thwart analysis tools and stifle reverse engineering efforts.

Read about this tactic, and how we developed an automated method for removing this protection layer →


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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
UnderConf. От сообщества – для сообщества

Keynote-спикеры и докладчики крупных конференций, авторы ваших любимых телеграм-каналов про ИБ, ведущие самых известных воркшопов и легенды индустрии в одном месте – на UnderConf, 29.09.

@crytech7, Сергей Голованов a.k.a. @sk1ks, @n0nvme и другие представят свои последние разработки и исследования, а Сергей Норд, локпикеры Autopsy Will Tell и хардварщики “Танец Роботов” параллельно проведут для вас топовые воркшопы.

На конференции также будет развернута лаборатория Pentest Lab, где можно будет разобраться в сценариях различных атак на части сетевой инфраструктуры компании.

В середине дня пройдут дебаты между Алексеем Гришиным и @i_bo0om о том, как расходятся интересы специалистов и бизнеса.

Подробная программа уже доступна на сайте.

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Не рекламы ради, а просто поделиться, куда я решил заглянуть в честь начала отпуска

😈 [ Fox-IT @foxit ]

Check out our latest blog from our Red Team about EDR evasion through malware virtualisation:


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😈 [ Check Point Research @_CPResearch_ ]

10 years of DLL hijacking - featuring abused executables that shouldn't have existed, exported and malicious DLLs with discount bin "packing." Includes a PoC for app developers to pre-emptively stop hijacking without dealing with a certificate authority.


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😈 [ Will @BushidoToken ]

I am happy to share another new resource I recently made called The Russian APT Tool Matrix 🇷🇺


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ищем себя, пацаны

😈 [ DSAS by INJECT @DevSecAS ]

Recursive Loader

Explanation of code: The following code is inspired by APT Linux/Kobalos. Kobalos was malware, suspected to be tied to the Chinese government, which was fully recursive. It was novel malware.


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😈 [ Remko Weijnen @RemkoWeijnen ]

Proof of Concept to leverage Windows App to create an LSASS dump


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😈 [ Orange Cyberdefense Switzerland @orangecyberch ]

💻🛡️ In this series of blog posts, Clément Labro (itm4n) one of our ethical hacker, explores yet another avenue for bypassing LSA Protection in Userland.

Blog series:


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😈 [ konrad @konradgajdus ]

From Theory to Code: Implementing a Neural Network in 200 Lines of C


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😈 [ Nikhil Hegde @ka1do9 ]

In this one, I go into great detail about how malware walks the Process Environment Block (PEB) to find particular DLLs and parses their export table to find address of functions.


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😈 [ Koen Van Impe ☕ @cudeso ]

Interesting approach shared by @Wietze on manipulating argv[0] to mislead security tools and analysts. A clever tactic for obfuscation!


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😈 [ Aleem Ladha @LadhaAleem ]

I've fully automated the lab used for @_leHACK_ Active Directory 2024 workshop done by @mpgn_x64 and it's available for everyone ! 🔥
Also big kudos to @M4yFly for the playbooks and NetExec dev teams for this awesome tool !
Hope you enjoy, more to come


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6.8k 1 109 1 18

😈 [ Usman Sikander @UsmanSikander13 ]

Basics to advanced process injection. Covering 25 techniques:


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😈 [ Kurosh Dabbagh @_Kudaes_ ]

Somebody asked if you can run a dll directly without rundll32 as you would do with an exe. You just need to remove the IMAGE_FILE_DLL flag from IMAGE_FILE_HEADER->Characteristics, which can be done with the option -e. Don't see much use for it tho ^^


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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
😈 [ John Hammond @_JohnHammond ]

Well, this was a stupid insomnia project, but... 😂

Playground code is here:


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завирусилось, прикольно

4k 1 72 2 18

😈 [ Het Mehta @hetmehtaa ]

Reversing a VPN client to hijack sessions


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😈 [ Sam ☁️🪵 @Sam0x90 ]

Interesting ZIP trick with __Macosx__ folder and LNK executing ftp script to execute embedded pythonw.exe

zip > docx LNK > ftp.exe > disguised pythonw.exe > CS shellcode

#CTI #DetectionEngineering


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20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.