Psychological Facts - Mindset Therapy

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Mindset Therapy: Here, we share Psychological Facts, Lessons, Tricks, and Tips to understand Human Psychology, foster Self-Improvement, and empower each other to live a Better, Happier, and Successful Life.

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Hindiston, Inglizcha
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What Helped Me Overcome Depression

Most of the typical advice—stop worrying about others’ opinions, exercise, spend time in nature, get enough sleep—sounds great in theory. And when I could manage it, even for a day or two, it did help.

But more often than not, I didn’t have the energy.

That’s the cruel trap of depression. The moment you falter, even slightly, all the self-worth you may have built crumbles, replaced by self-pity and hopelessness. What once seemed like helpful advice starts to feel harsh, heavy, even suffocating.

Then comes the familiar refrain: *“Just keep going, try again, failure leads to success, you’ll see the light one day.”*

It’s not wrong. But if you keep walking the same path and keep falling, maybe it’s time to take a different route—no matter how small the change.

You don’t need to force yourself onto the same old road that drains you. Take little detours. Try new paths. Maybe one of them will lead somewhere better, or maybe you’ll piece together your own way forward from all the small roads you’ve explored. The key is change—your mind, your life, your approach.

For me, acceptance was a turning point. Not fighting how I felt, but instead allowing myself to experience it fully—whether sadness, exhaustion, or emptiness—without self-judgment. Having a *sanctuary* helped: a space, even if small, where I could exist without pressure, where I could process everything at my own pace.

And then, there was meditation.

It doesn’t have to be long—even 30 seconds can be powerful. Just pausing, breathing, and letting thoughts come and go without clinging to them. Observing them, rather than drowning in them. With time, this simple practice created space in my mind. Space for clarity, for healing, for regaining the energy to try again.

If you’re struggling, start small. Take the gentlest approach possible. There’s no perfect way to heal, no single solution—but there are many roads, and one of them will be yours.

Sending you my best, truly.

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What is the Meaning of Life?

Try this: visit a café in a bustling part of the city and find a seat with a clear view of the street—perhaps a table on the pavement outside.

Now, just observe.

You'll witness hundreds, maybe even thousands, of people passing by—young and old, rich and poor, men and women, all moving with purpose. Each one is on a journey, leaving behind one place to reach another, believing that happiness or fulfillment awaits them there. Yet, once they arrive, they’ll soon crave another destination.

Look closely, and you’ll notice the weight of this pursuit etched on their faces.

And that is life—a constant struggle to be somewhere we are not. A relentless chase that only ceases the day we take our final breath.

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Why Aren’t People Happy?

Have you ever noticed how many unhappy people are on Telegram? They seem miserable and come here just to spread that misery. You can tell by their comments—rarely anything positive, always negative, sarcastic, or outright hateful. I end up deleting and blocking many of them.

In my opinion, the root of their unhappiness is that they never took responsibility for their own joy. They’ve always placed it in someone else’s hands—sometimes even blaming the government. Instead of looking inward, they blame successful and happy people, as if their success is somehow the cause of their own misery. Taking responsibility for their own happiness never seems to cross their minds. I often receive late-night messages from bitter, intoxicated individuals spewing negativity.

Now, let’s compare that with happy people. Every truly happy person I know takes full responsibility for their life. If something isn’t right, they don’t dwell on it—they fix it. They understand the difference between what they can control and what they can’t, and they don’t waste energy blaming external circumstances. Even in the worst situations, they find reasons to stay optimistic as they work toward something better. In my own life, it was my optimism that allowed me to recognize opportunities when they came my way—I might have missed them otherwise.

Interestingly, the most toxic people I encounter on Telegram tend to be over 50 or under 18, more often women than men, and deeply resentful of their lives. They often present themselves as victims, but when I ask what they’re doing to change their situation, it’s like lighting a match near gasoline. They lash out even more. I block and delete—not for my sake, but because their negativity discourages others from engaging and sharing meaningful discussions. If they want to spread anger, they can do it elsewhere.

I’ve been an optimist since childhood, which my parents found both amusing and concerning. My dad used to worry that I might walk into danger without realizing it because I always saw the good in everything. But looking back, I truly believe my attitude has been a key factor in my happiness. I have a wonderful life and feel incredibly lucky. Sure, I’ve been through tough times, but my drive and optimism always carried me through the darkest moments.

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9 life changing quotes?

1. Stupid is the man who always remains the same.

2. If you are a friend to everybody, you are an enemy to yourself.

3. It is impossible to build one's own happiness on the unhappiness of others.

4. Your biggest enemy and critic is none other than yourself.

5. Think of yourself as dead, NOW take what's left and live it properly.

6. Whenever you cant decide which path to take, choose the one that leads to change.

7. Care about what other people think, and you will always be their prisoner.

8. Living With a peaceful mind is true success.

9. Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.

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What’s the fastest way to get someone to like you?

I came across an intriguing strategy in a TEDx talk.

When meeting someone for the first time, there’s a subtle yet powerful technique you can use to build rapport.

Start the conversation by lightly disagreeing on a few points. Then, as the interaction progresses, gradually shift to agreeing with their views.

The key is to keep it natural and unforced. Avoid being argumentative or confrontational—this should feel like a genuine exchange of ideas.

This approach works because, subconsciously, the other person perceives that their personality or perspective has influenced you to align with them. This subtle flattery feels far more authentic than overt compliments, which people often recognize as insincere.

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What are the unspoken rules you learned too late in life?

- Always pretend to be miserable around miserable people; otherwise, they will sabotage your happiness.

- Masturbation and porn are underrated traps.

- If you're good at something, do it for free initially to gain experience and recognition.

- Money is not the root of all evil—people are.

- Having multiple sexual partners is not cool; it can destroy your mental health. Building massive trust with one person is unbeatable.

- Poor selection of a spouse is a major cause of personal failure. Think ten times before marriage because one wrong decision can lead to disaster.

- Breaking someone's hope is one of the biggest sins.

- An attractive girl with cunning communication skills often receives preferential treatment from everyone.

- 90% of the time, parties involve alcohol, cigarettes, hookah, and dancing.

- Expectations and responsibilities increase proportionally with age.

- Pay attention to people's sarcasm; they are often telling you something indirectly.

- The world pushes around people who lack internal fortitude.

- *Manglik dosh*, predictions by third parties, or horoscopes cannot decide whether a husband and wife will live happily after marriage. Only the couple can decide their future. Don't believe what society says—society is often frightened and ignorant.

- Comparison is the thief of joy.

- People are not shy. Give them the right person, and be ready for some crazy surprises.

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1. The Honeymoon Stage
In the honeymoon stage, everything happens effortlessly. You don’t have to force anything—it’s simply beautiful. You may feel like you’ve won or found your ideal soulmate. Everything feels perfect and exciting.

You just want to spend more time together and often start fantasizing about a future together. It feels magical because you’ve found each other.

2. The Testing Stage
The second stage is the testing stage, also known as the reality stage. Love is no longer new, and the passion may no longer feel as desirable or exciting. The initial feelings begin to fade.

The acting is over, and reality sets in. You may find yourself tolerating, accepting, or questioning whether the relationship can continue. You start noticing flaws in your partner. This doesn’t mean you no longer love them—it’s just that you now see them from a more realistic perspective. Doubts and conflicts arise, and you may start questioning whether you’re truly in love.

3. The Give-In or Give-Up Stage
This is the most challenging stage of a relationship, often referred to as the building stage. Conflicts intensify, and you may find yourself getting angry over small things. Insecurity grows as you no longer see eye to eye on many issues.

This is the critical stage where breakups are highly possible. Intimacy may diminish, and love may feel distant or cold.

If both partners are not mature enough, the relationship may end here. One partner might even cheat in search of the excitement of new love.

4. The Winning Stage
In this stage, you both accept that you are two different individuals, each with imperfections. You acknowledge each other’s unique qualities and flaws, but you still choose to stay together and commit to the relationship.

You prioritize the relationship over fleeting feelings or emotions.

Many divorces occur because people marry during the honeymoon stage. They marry strangers, and when reality sets in, they believe their partner has changed.

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How Can Someone See Success in Failure?

Never forget what happened to this guy:

Steve Harvey, in December 2015, hosted the Miss Universe pageant in Las Vegas. Upon announcing the final results, he mistakenly declared the first runner-up, Miss Colombia (Ariadna Gutiérrez), as the winner.

This mistake could have marked the end of his television career, as it happened live on global entertainment networks and prominent sites during an international, glamorous event—an environment where credibility is crucial to his profession.

However, Harvey immediately recognized and corrected his mistake. Just a few minutes after Miss Colombia was crowned, he returned to the stage, admitted he had read the results incorrectly, and announced that Miss Philippines (Pia Wurtzbach) was the rightful Miss Universe.

This quick recovery and accountability earned Harvey hosting gigs for subsequent Miss Universe pageants from 2016 to 2019 and brought him multiple personality awards over the years.

So, what can we learn here?

Mistakes are inevitable, no matter how hard we try to avoid them. What truly matters is how we handle them. Sincere apologies should always be followed by immediate corrections. While expectations have risen over time, humanity has also become more forgiving.

- If you fail to meet a commitment to a client, don’t justify the mistake. Apologize and correct it immediately.
- If you forget an anniversary, don’t justify it. Apologize and correct it immediately.

This principle applies across all aspects of life—business, relationships, health, community, and beyond.

While it isn’t always easy, it’s also not that complicated.

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1. When someone says "thank you," don’t just say "you’re welcome." You can say, "I know you’d do the same for me." It makes them feel closer to you.

2. If someone is sad, copy how they are standing or sitting to show you understand how they feel.

3. When you give someone a compliment, try to be specific. It makes it feel more special.

4. To look more confident, keep your head up and shoulders back. If you look down, you might seem unsure of yourself.

5. If you think someone is lying, you can ask, "Could you say that again?

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What Is the Harsh Truth of Life?

The picture shows a dead body lying outside. Suddenly, it starts raining. Everyone quickly covers the body with plastic and takes shelter under a veranda or inside a room. Even the person who took the picture captured it from indoors.

This is a stark reminder of your true worth in the grand scheme of things. If you were to die today, people would move on quickly. Your body wouldn’t be brought indoors, and no one would stand in the rain for you. There might be a few tears, but life would continue.

Contrast this with the loss of a valuable piece of jewelry—something material. Every time someone remembers it, its absence might mean more to them than your passing.

So, what does this mean?

Live for yourself as long as you are alive. Prioritize your happiness, your goals, and your well-being.

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What are some unwritten social rules everyone should know?

1. Avoid farting in enclosed spaces like meeting rooms, elevators, or vehicles if there are other people around.

2. When using public transport, don’t ask those seated to "adjust a bit. Seats are designed for a specific number of people. Cramming three people into a seat meant for two will make the journey uncomfortable for everyone.

3. If you’re seated in the aisle seat on a flight, don’t lean into the passage to brush against the cabin crew.

4. In a multilingual group, always use a language that everyone can understand.

5. When calling someone who doesn’t know you, start the conversation by introducing yourself instead of repeating "Hello" multiple times.

6. Don’t be rude to telemarketing executives. If you’re not interested, politely decline. Alternatively, use tools like True Caller to screen such calls.

7. To telemarketing executives: If a customer refuses the credit card or insurance policy you’re offering, don’t repeatedly ask "Why?" You can try to convince them without being pushy.

8. Respect workplace boundaries. Don’t schedule meetings at 5 PM and force people to stay late. Let others leave on time, even if you prefer to continue working. Late meetings are rarely productive.

9. If you’re carpooling, only book the ride when you’re ready to leave. Don’t expect the car to pick you up from your doorstep—walk to a nearby main road to save time for everyone.

10. While carpooling, avoid always occupying the backseat diagonally opposite the driver just to assert your importance. Be flexible and considerate of others entering the car.

11. When a colleague is leaving the organization, don’t pry by asking, "Where are you joining next?"

12. Respect dietary choices. Don’t question why someone is vegetarian or non-vegetarian—it’s a personal decision.

13. If a friend or colleague offers you food, it’s okay to politely decline. However, don’t taste or smell it and then refuse—it’s disrespectful to the person who offered it.

14. Eating with your hands is perfectly normal. Don’t stare at someone doing so as if they’re uncivilized.

15. When someone shares their health problems, listen empathetically. Don’t interrupt by immediately talking about your own ailments.

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You Can Analyze Yourself Psychologically with ChatGPT

Copy & paste these 7 ChatGPT prompts for self-discovery:

1/ Values Clarifier: Help me identify my core values by asking reflective questions. Summarize the top three that define my priorities in life.

2/ Passion Finder: Guide me in uncovering what I’m truly passionate about. Ask questions about my hobbies, interests, and activities that make me lose track of time.

3/ Strengths and Weaknesses Audit: Analyze my strengths and weaknesses based on this information: [Insert examples of successes and challenges]. Suggest ways to improve or leverage them.

4/ Decision-Making Guide: Help me decide on [specific life decisions, like switching careers]. Provide a list of pros and cons, and include reflective questions to clarify my thinking.

5/ Vision Board Creator: Help me create a vision board for my life goals. Suggest categories like career, relationships, and personal achievements, and outline how to visualize each.

6/ Stress-Relief Planner: Create a personalized stress-relief plan based on my preferences: [Insert preferences, like yoga, journaling, or outdoor activities]. Include tips to implement it daily.

7/ Growth Tracker: Suggest a way to track my personal growth over the next 6 months. Include milestones, reflective questions, and tips for staying consistent.

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What is life’s biggest "trap" people fall into?

IMHO, there is a very dangerous trap which 95% of people fall.

It all starts in teen ages – at this age you start to realize yourself as a unique human being, with a unique identity, talents, skills etc...
And somehow, everyone thinks that his or her life is going to be as unique as they feel they are.

However, here goes the essence of the trap: Young people associate uniqueness and happiness of their whole life with uniqueness of themselves, and think it’s just impossible to be otherwise.
Youngsters look at adults and think that they are boring, they just don’t get it, they don’t understand how cool life is. Teenagers can never ever even consider the possibility of ending up living the same boring lives as their parents. Why? Because they think “I am just so unique and different…”.
So instead of working hard and act on their “uniqueness” to develop it and make it evolve, they just live and think it is all going to happen on its own….

But it won’t.

And this is exactly how these bright and uniquely talented young people end up living a boring mediocre life – complaining about everything around while trying to justify the way they spent their lives.

So this is what I am trying to teach my kids – life DOES NOT just happen, but boring life does.

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What are the most important warnings in life?

1. You can’t see your toes

2. Friends do not return your phone calls

3. Your pet is always trying to run away

4. The food you eat comes from convenience stores

5. No savings

6. You can’t make your bed in the morning

7. You worry about ‘likes’

8. You complain a lot

9. Community service is a four letter word

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What are the secrets of being likable?

When I was young, I thought the secret to popularity was to be as impressive as possible so people would want to talk to me.

Instead, they thought I was arrogant.

Then I examined what made me want to befriend someone, and I learned that I’d had it all backward. The real secret to popularity is not to be impressive, but to be impressed.

I spend an entire conversation asking questions, saying “Wow,” “That’s so interesting,” and “You know so much about this. Do you mind telling me more?”

I barely need to say a word about myself or my knowledge. Now people call me “down-to-earth.” They want to be my friend, even if the only thing they know about me is that I make them feel validated.

Everybody—from ages 1 to 100—wants to be impressive. So let them be, and they will gravitate toward you.

Allow me to address some of the common questions:

1. Sincerity is key. Yes, this technique can work for salespeople and the like, but many people will get annoyed if you pretend to be impressed when you clearly aren’t. Find something they say that is of actual interest to you—dig a little, be curious, and stay open-minded! Then it’s okay to exaggerate your reactions a little.

2. Remember this: Every person in the world possesses some knowledge or skill that you don’t. If you are unable to find anything impressive about the person in front of you, it’s because your ego refuses to step down.

3. This is highly effective for first impressions, but friendships require more of a two-way street. The next step after humility is showing your vulnerability, for example, by sharing an embarrassing story about yourself related to the topic.

4. There’s no such thing as a 100% effective technique in every possible scenario, but you’d be surprised just how often this works.

5. For the “just be yourself” crowd: If being yourself had been effective for you so far, you wouldn’t be reading posts about how to be more likable. But this isn’t about changing who you are; it’s about changing how you interact with others.

6. Want more secrets? Here are some phrases everybody loves to hear:
“I’m so jealous.”
“Sorry, my bad.”
“Okay, you convinced me.”
“Thanks, that really helps.”

Chuckle when you don’t know what to say because everyone else makes mediocre jokes when they don’t.

7. Finally, “If everybody did this...” then the world would be a truly wonderful place, full of happy, validated friends who are more interested in each other than themselves. Win-win.

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10 Signs You Are Being Toxic To Yourself:

1. You pay too much attention to what others think about you.

2. You don't know your boundaries or you don't communicate them at the right time.

3. You take too much responsibility for the well-being of others.

4. You always settle for less (in love, relationships, work, money, etc.).

5. You don't trust yourself and your instincts.

6. You constantly try to justify yourself to others. You tend to compare yourself to others and/or feel ashamed of your imperfections.

7. You don't stand up for your needs and/or let others walk over you.

8. You don't take care of your body and feel guilty to indulge in pampering it.

9. You don't feel free to express your ideas.

10. You allow people in your life to pull you down.

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Life Lessons Everyone Should Apply:

1. If you help family with money, give it rather than lend it.

2. Don’t shake hands while sitting down.

3. Share only the information that’s necessary.

4. Don’t eat the last bit of food if you didn’t pay for it.

5. Don’t blame a friend to make someone else happy.

6. Don’t criticize the food when you’re a guest.

7. Avoid using a toilet stall directly next to someone else.

8. Don’t look at your phone while talking to someone.

9. Don’t claim credit for work you didn’t do.

10. Pay attention, nod, and make eye contact when someone is speaking to you.

11. Don’t tease a friend in front of their children.

12. Keep your emotions under control.

13. Don’t expect too much from a relationship.

14. Always dress well, regardless of the situation.

15. Avoid hurting others.

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What is the best habit you've taken up from another person?

I have a friend who spent 9 years in jail. When he came out, he showed me a couple tips that can literally save your life.

1. Always have an extra door lock (especially if the regular one is not strong enough). That way, it will be much harder for someone to break in. Bonus: you will sleep better at night too.

2. Never wear headphones in public (especially in the crowd). You become a lot more vulnerable to all kinds of accidents or attacks. Stay aware - it will be much harder for anyone to do any harm to you.

3. When stopped by the police, stay calm, slow down your pace, appear relaxed, stay confident, and say as little as possible.

4. Always pay off your debts. It does not matter if it is big or small, 10 years ago or 10 days ago - return whatever you owe to other people.

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Women love sex as much as they love money. Men love peace as much as they love sex. If you want your relationship to last, read this:

1. Stay single until you attract the right person who is ready to love you unconditionally.

2. Take yourself out on dates, buy gifts for yourself, and take care of yourself. You don’t need to be in a relationship to enjoy life.

3. The worst thing in life is ending up with the wrong partner, not being alone. So, choose someone who will complement your life.

4. Choose to marry a teammate, not just a soulmate. Love alone is never enough for a long-lasting, committed relationship.

5. Build a strong connection with your partner before deciding to marry.

6. Don’t date if your life is chaotic. First, build yourself physically, mentally, and financially.

7. Avoid marrying someone who is your age mate; find someone who has more life experience than you do.

8. Learn to manage your emotions and heal your childhood traumas, so you don’t make someone else’s life miserable.

9. Invest in a good wardrobe and always mind your appearance; you’ll attract someone who matches your level.

10. Date and experience heartbreak. You’ll learn how to deal with losses and recognize the right people.

11. If you’re in your 20s, move out of your parents’ care. You’ll learn how to be independent and comfortable on your own.

12. Self-love is the best relationship. Love and appreciate yourself, because no one else will love you as much as you do.

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