Baggy Yog or Combination of Luck β
The Baggy Yog is considered an important aspect to determine the fortune of the individual. When the Fate line reaches the prominent mount of Sun then the combination is said to be the Baggy Yog or Combination of luck. The Baggy yog determines the future of the individual. Hence it is an important aspect of the science of palmistry
πΌπ Bhagyoday Yog or Combination for Rise
The combination is called Bhagyoday yog if the fate line originates from the wrist line and goes up to the phalange of the finger of Saturn. The Combination determined the success and the progress of the individual. The individual having such combination of Bhagyoday Yog achieves enormous success, most of which is due to his luck. The Bhagyoday Yog is an important subject of research for the palmists.
πΌπ Baggy Yog or Combination of Luck β
The Baggy Yog is considered an important aspect to determine the s fortune of the individual. When the Fate line reaches the prominent mount of Sun then the combination is said to be the Baggy Yog or Combination of luck. The Baggy yog determines the future of the individual. Hence it is an important aspect of the science of palmistry. According to the palmists, a person having this combination is considered very lucky.
πΌπ Poorna Ayu or Combination for Full Age β
The combination of the Poorna Ayu is found if the Life line is fully developed and prominent and at the same time goes up to the bracelets from its origin and there is no cross or point or spot or line over it. According to the palmists such person having the combination of Poorna Ayu enjoys full age with good health. Some experts have also pointed out several other combinations as Poorna Ayu Yog, apart from the above-mentioned combinations. If there are three complete bracelets and the first bracelet is chained and the Life line touches the bracelet or if Fate line and Life line have relationship, the individual is found to have all the combination of the Poorna Ayu Yog.
πΌπ Shatadhik Ayu yog or Combination for Living more β than hundreds years
The combination of Shatadhik Ayu Yog is considered as an important subject for the science of palmistry. When the Life line from its origin reaches the bracelets encompassing the entire Mount of Venus then the combination is said to be the Shatadhik Ayu Yog. However it should be noted that it is necessary that such a combination should be visible in both the hands or otherwise the Shatadhik Ayu Yog is not possible. One who has this combination lives for more than a hundred years. Throughout his life such individual experiences an uninterrupted happiness.
πΌπ Amitmayu Yog β
When the mounts of Mercury, Moon, Jupiter and Sun are developed and well defined in both the hands and the Life line is faultless, long and clear then the person is said to have Amitmayu Yog. One who has this yog is found to achieve enormous success by his works. He makes all his progress by his own efforts. He craves for material pursuits and in a way he never lacks any pleasure in his life. As a result his domestic life is full of happiness. Such an individual lives an economically well of life and live a happy and healthy life for more than hundred years.
Individual with such Yog is considered as the man of lakhs and he is found to be successful materially. The Amitmayu Yog is considered as one of the best combination in the subject of Yog in palmistry.
πΌπ Mahabhagya Yog or Combination of Great Fortuneβ
If a person is born during line is complete in length, that developed and prominent at mounts of Moon and Jupiter the person has Mahabhagya Yog. The palmists have provided several facts regarding the results of the Mahabhagya Yog. According to the palmists, one, who has Mahabhagya Yog, has the exceptional quality of leadership. He also has good ideas, which makes him different from his fellow human beings. Who comes in contact with such a person thinks himself quite lucky. Economically such an individual is very affluent.
The Baggy Yog is considered an important aspect to determine the fortune of the individual. When the Fate line reaches the prominent mount of Sun then the combination is said to be the Baggy Yog or Combination of luck. The Baggy yog determines the future of the individual. Hence it is an important aspect of the science of palmistry
πΌπ Bhagyoday Yog or Combination for Rise
The combination is called Bhagyoday yog if the fate line originates from the wrist line and goes up to the phalange of the finger of Saturn. The Combination determined the success and the progress of the individual. The individual having such combination of Bhagyoday Yog achieves enormous success, most of which is due to his luck. The Bhagyoday Yog is an important subject of research for the palmists.
πΌπ Baggy Yog or Combination of Luck β
The Baggy Yog is considered an important aspect to determine the s fortune of the individual. When the Fate line reaches the prominent mount of Sun then the combination is said to be the Baggy Yog or Combination of luck. The Baggy yog determines the future of the individual. Hence it is an important aspect of the science of palmistry. According to the palmists, a person having this combination is considered very lucky.
πΌπ Poorna Ayu or Combination for Full Age β
The combination of the Poorna Ayu is found if the Life line is fully developed and prominent and at the same time goes up to the bracelets from its origin and there is no cross or point or spot or line over it. According to the palmists such person having the combination of Poorna Ayu enjoys full age with good health. Some experts have also pointed out several other combinations as Poorna Ayu Yog, apart from the above-mentioned combinations. If there are three complete bracelets and the first bracelet is chained and the Life line touches the bracelet or if Fate line and Life line have relationship, the individual is found to have all the combination of the Poorna Ayu Yog.
πΌπ Shatadhik Ayu yog or Combination for Living more β than hundreds years
The combination of Shatadhik Ayu Yog is considered as an important subject for the science of palmistry. When the Life line from its origin reaches the bracelets encompassing the entire Mount of Venus then the combination is said to be the Shatadhik Ayu Yog. However it should be noted that it is necessary that such a combination should be visible in both the hands or otherwise the Shatadhik Ayu Yog is not possible. One who has this combination lives for more than a hundred years. Throughout his life such individual experiences an uninterrupted happiness.
πΌπ Amitmayu Yog β
When the mounts of Mercury, Moon, Jupiter and Sun are developed and well defined in both the hands and the Life line is faultless, long and clear then the person is said to have Amitmayu Yog. One who has this yog is found to achieve enormous success by his works. He makes all his progress by his own efforts. He craves for material pursuits and in a way he never lacks any pleasure in his life. As a result his domestic life is full of happiness. Such an individual lives an economically well of life and live a happy and healthy life for more than hundred years.
Individual with such Yog is considered as the man of lakhs and he is found to be successful materially. The Amitmayu Yog is considered as one of the best combination in the subject of Yog in palmistry.
πΌπ Mahabhagya Yog or Combination of Great Fortuneβ
If a person is born during line is complete in length, that developed and prominent at mounts of Moon and Jupiter the person has Mahabhagya Yog. The palmists have provided several facts regarding the results of the Mahabhagya Yog. According to the palmists, one, who has Mahabhagya Yog, has the exceptional quality of leadership. He also has good ideas, which makes him different from his fellow human beings. Who comes in contact with such a person thinks himself quite lucky. Economically such an individual is very affluent.