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Telegram Tips dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Hashtag Search. Hashtags can be used to quickly filter your chats for messages containing that tag.

Tapping a hashtag also allows you to see results from public channels – helping you discover new creators and browse popular topics.

Join W-Coin 🪙 and get bonuses for each invited friend 🎁

#WCoin #TelegramMiniGames #P2E #Clicker #TapTap #Airdrop #TON #Meme #ClickerGames #Mining #TONBlockchain #Solana #ETH

Telegram Tips dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Quick Actions for Phone Numbers. Tapping a phone number in a message like +971542022222 opens a menu where you can send a message, start a call or add a contact in one tap.

WeWantYou dan repost
Розыгрыш 15000 подписок Telegram Premium сроком на 12 oy
Условия участия:
  • В розыгрыше участвуют все подписчики
  • Необходимо быть подписчиком 1 канала
  • Конец розыгрыша: 15.07.2024 10:00

Join me on Blum and let's earn together! Use my invite link to join the fun. 🤑

#Blum #P2E #Clicker #TapTap #Farm #Airdrop #TON #TelegramMiniGames

Sorry, the command not found! Press /start to continue.

Sorry, the command not found! Press /start to continue.

Not Guide dan repost
🧐 Tracking Your Crypto Portfolio

Imagine you store cryptocurrencies on multiple platforms: NOT on Binance, TON in Wallet, and ANON in Tonkeeper. Tracking these coins becomes difficult and requires a lot of extra steps.

It is important to learn how to effectively manage your crypto portfolio to see the big picture and make informed decisions.

We have compiled a list of trackers to help you organize your assets.

1. CoinStats – Automatically tracks all wallets, including TON-based ones, and assets from centralized exchanges (Binance, OKX, etc.). It also allows users to enter cryptocurrencies and transactions manually.

2. CoinMarketCap – One of the most popular platforms for tracking cryptocurrencies. It supports EVM wallets and centralized exchanges.

3. Excel – Suitable for deep analysis and accounting of all investments. Many processes can be automated, but knowledge of the program is required.

Regularly monitor your assets to have an up-to-date understanding of your portfolio’s status.

#intern | Not Guide

Wallet News dan repost
Розыгрыш 100 подписок Telegram Premium сроком на 6 oy
Условия участия:
  • В розыгрыше участвуют все подписчики
  • Необходимо быть подписчиком 3 kanal
  • Конец розыгрыша: 17.06.2024 15:30

Blum: All Crypto – One App dan repost
Tic Toc, Anon! ☕️
Only 30 hours left to finish the Summer Quest!

Complete the Quest to snap BPs and enter the $10,000 USDT giveaway! 💸

🔸 Need a shortcut to Tasks? Go! Go! Tap here. But gently, please!

tapswap community dan repost
⚡️⚡️⚡️Exciting News: Blockchain Announcement

We're thrilled to announce that TapSwap will launch on the TON blockchain!

This well-thought-out decision is the best option for delivering the ultimate experience for our ever-growing community.

Stay tuned for more updates and details! Get ready to tap into new possibilities with TON 💎!

TON Community dan repost
Yescoin's explosive growth

Yescoin, a TON-based viral swipe game on Telegram, has reached 18M+ users from nearly every country on earth, with 6M+ connecting their wallets in just over a month.

Leveraging Telegram's viral social mechanisms and unique swipe gameplay, Yescoin aims to bring the next billion users to Web3. For more insights, check out our recent interview with them.

Wallet News dan repost
Розыгрыш 100 подписок Telegram Premium сроком на 6 oy
Условия участия:
  • В розыгрыше участвуют все подписчики
  • Необходимо быть подписчиком 3 kanal
  • Конец розыгрыша: 17.06.2024 15:30

Du Rove's Channel dan repost
🥲 It’s getting warmer in Dubai, and my friends are leaving for fancy places like the south of France. As a French citizen, I agree that France is the best holiday destination 🇫🇷

📱 As the Telegram CEO though, I don’t take holidays. Instead, I keep working while meeting our users from unusual locations. This summer I’ve decided to check out Central Asia to see what life is like there, study how people use Telegram and what their digital needs are 📞

☕️ I will keep you posted in this channel about my discoveries 🕵️‍♂️

Play with me, become cryptoexchange CEO and get a token airdrop!

💸 2k Coins as a first-time gift
🔥 25k Coins if you have Telegram Premium


Dotcoiners! We remind you that every day, those who tap on a DOT can randomly win TONs and GRAMs📱

Also DTC Token will be available😊

We wish everyone good luck!


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