Coders Learning

Kanal geosi va tili: Hindiston, Inglizcha

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Kanal geosi va tili
Hindiston, Inglizcha
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Master Python & Become a Data Analyst! 📊🚀

Day 1-7: Python Basics
Day 8-14: Data Structures & Functions
Day 15-25: Pandas & Data Visualization
Day 26-35: SQL & Data Cleaning
Day 36-45: Statistics & EDA
Day 46-60: Machine Learning & Real-World Projects

Free Python Masterclass with Certification, Limited seats available. Register now!👇

🎓 Build Your Career In Data Analytics! 📊

🌟 2000+ Students Placed
💰 7.4 LPA Average Package
🚀 41 LPA Highest Package
🤝 500+ Hiring Partners

Register Here:

Limited Seats, Register Now! ✨

Learn Coding from The Best Software Developers In Top Tech Companies!

Become a Successful Software Developer In Top MNCs🔥

Eligibility:- BTech / BCA / BSc

🌟 2000+ Students Placed
🤝 500+ Hiring Partners
💼 Avg. Rs. 7.4 LPA
🚀 41 LPA Highest Package

𝐑𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐨𝐰👇 :-

Hurry, limited seats available!

Master Python & Build an AI Chatbot! 🤖🚀

Day 1-7: Python Basics
Day 8-14: Functions & Data Structures
Day 15-25: OOP & File Handling
Day 26-35: Automation & APIs
Day 36-45: NLP & Machine Learning
Day 46-60: Build & Deploy AI Chatbot

Free Python Masterclass with Certification, Limited seats available. Register now!👇

Free Full-Stack Development Training with Certification by HCL! 👨🏻‍💻

Only 90 seats left!

Hurry up! ⏳

Register now (FREE)👇

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📌Many students asking us *Free Career Guidance on *DEVOPS TOOLS*

📌So we have come with a FREE webinar for you!! 👨🏻‍💻 👩🏻‍💻

Crack Your Career Opportunity

Get ready at
📆 - Mar 06

🚀 FREE online webinar On

📌Learn the latest tools & trends for 2025

"Crack Your Career Opportunity 👍"

*Register in below link for free*:

🤩Exciting Opportunity🤩
*Only For Working Professionals* 👨🏻‍💻👩🏻‍💻

🎯Switch Your Career with Heycoach 🎯

✅100% Placement Assistance
✅Referrals From Top Company Engineers
✅Career counseling sessions

📝Fill the Form & get exclusive Interview Questions 📝

📌Enroll For Free:

🏃🏻‍♂️Hurry it's Limited time Opportunity⏳

⭕️ G-Mail keyboard shortcuts ⭕️
#pc_feature #OldPost

Here is the complete list of Gmail keyboard shortcuts:

Compose and Chat

+  : Focus main window
 : Focus latest chat or compose
+ . : Advance to next chat or compose
+ , : Advance to previous chat or compose
+  : Send
+ + c : Add cc recipients
+ + b : Add bcc recipients
+ + f : Access custom from
+ k : Insert a link
+ ; : Go to previous misspelled word
+ ' : Go to next misspelled word
+ m : Open spelling suggestions


+ + 5 : Previous font
+ + 6 : Next font
+ + - : Decrease text size
+ + + : Increase text size
+ b : Bold
+ i : Italics
+ u : Underline
+ + 7 : Numbered list
+ + 8 : Bulleted list
+ + 9 : Quote
+ [ : Indent less
+ ] : Indent more
+ + l : Align left
+ + e : Align center
+ + r : Align right
+ + , : Set right-to-left
+ + . : Set left-to-right
+ \ : Remove formatting


g then i : Go to Inbox
g then s : Go to Starred conversations
g then t : Go to Sent messages
g then d : Go to Drafts
g then a : Go to All mail
g then c : Go to Contacts
g then k : Go to Tasks
g then l : Go to Label

Threadlist selection

* then a : Select all conversations
* then n : Deselect all conversations
* then r : Select read conversations
* then u : Select unread conversations
* then s : Select starred conversations
* then t : Select unstarred conversations


u : Back to threadlist
k / j : Newer/older conversation
o or  : Open conversation; collapse/expand conversation
p / n : Read previous/next message
` : Go to next inbox section
~ : Go to previous inbox section


c : Compose
d : Compose in a tab (new compose only)
/ : Search mail
q : Search chat contacts
. : Open "more actions" menu
v : Open "move to" menu
l : Open "label as" menu
? : Open keyboard shortcut help


, : Move focus to toolbar
x : Select conversation
s : Rotate superstar
y : Remove label
e : Archive
m : Mute conversation
! : Report as spam
# : Delete
r : Reply
+ r : Reply in a new window
a : Reply all
+ a : Reply all in a new window
f : Forward
+ f : Forward in a new window
+ n : Update conversation
] / [ :  Remove conversation from current view and go previous/next
} / { : Archive conversation and go previous/next
z : Undo last action
+ i : Mark as read
+ u : Mark as unread
_ : Mark unread from the selected message
+ or = : Mark as important
- : Mark as not important
+ t : Add conversation to Tasks

Join @coderslearning for more! ✅



📌Many students asking us *Free Career Guidance on Business Analyst*

📌So we have come with a FREE Webinar for You!! 👨🏻‍💻👩🏻‍💻

Crack Your Career Opportunity

Get ready at
📆 - Feb 19
⏰ - 7PM

🚀 FREE online webinar On

📌Learn the latest tools & trends for 2025

"Crack Your Career Opportunity 👍"

*Register in below link for free*:

Deloitte is hiring for IT - Asset Management Analyst!

Position: Data Analyst

Qualification: Bachelor’s degree

Salary: INR 4 - 7 LPA

Experience: Freshers / Experienced

Location: Bengaluru, India

📌Apply Now:

👉WhatsApp Channel:

👉Telegram Link:

😃👉 Share this Job info to all your Friends and Groups ✅

Master GitHub & Automate CI/CD with GitHub Actions! 🚀

Day 1-7: Git & GitHub Fundamentals
Day 8-14: Branching, Merging & Collaboration
Day 15-25: GitHub Actions Basics
Day 26-35: Automating Workflows
Day 36-45: CI/CD Pipelines with GitHub Actions
Day 46-60: Advanced Automation & Security

Free GitHub Masterclass with Certification! Limited seats available. Register now 👇

Here are 6 prompts every CS student should try! 💻

Whether it's mastering concepts, fixing bugs or getting ready for that dream internship, these tips will help you every step of the way. 📚

Here is the Link: 👇

🚀 Big Update for Job Seekers! 🚀

We’ve launched Instagram page for daily job updates, internships, placements and FREE preparation materials to help you crack MNC interviews! 🎯

📢 Don’t miss out on exclusive opportunities!

👉 Follow us now: @offcampusjobupdates

Stay ahead in your job search with the latest updates right on your Insta feed! ✅

Most Used Functions in Java! 🔥

Learn the most important Java functions with examples! 🧑‍💻💡

📌 Basic Operations: ✅ Add two numbers → int sum = a + b; ✅ Find average → double avg = (a + b) / 2.0; ✅ Count elements in an array → array.length

📌 Math Functions: ✅ Max value → Math.max(a, b); ✅ Min value → Math.min(a, b); ✅ Square root → Math.sqrt(n); ✅ Power of a number → Math.pow(base, exp);

📌 Conditions & Loops: ✅ IF condition → if (condition) { ... } ✅ Sum with condition → -> n > 10).sum(); ✅ Count with condition → -> n > 10).count();

📌 String Functions: ✅ Concatenate → String result = str1 + str2; ✅ Convert to uppercase → str.toUpperCase(); ✅ Convert to lowercase → str.toLowerCase(); ✅ Extract substring → str.substring(2, 5); ✅ Replace text → str.replace("old", "new"); ✅ Trim spaces → str.trim();

📌 Array & List Operations: ✅ Sort array (ascending) → Arrays.sort(arr); ✅ Sort array (descending) → Arrays.sort(arr, Collections.reverseOrder()); ✅ Reverse an array → Collections.reverse(Arrays.asList(arr)); ✅ Convert list to array → list.toArray(new Integer[0]); ✅ Convert array to list → Arrays.asList(arr);

📌 Number Functions: ✅ Check even/odd → (num % 2 == 0) ✅ Find factorial → factorial(n) { return (n == 0) ? 1 : n * factorial(n - 1); } ✅ Check prime number → isPrime(n) { for (int i = 2; i

52 Most Used Functions in Java! 🔥

Learn the most important Java functions with examples! 🧑‍💻💡

📌 Basic Operations: ✅ Add two numbers → int sum = a + b; ✅ Find average → double avg = (a + b) / 2.0; ✅ Count elements in an array → array.length

📌 Math Functions: ✅ Max value → Math.max(a, b); ✅ Min value → Math.min(a, b); ✅ Square root → Math.sqrt(n); ✅ Power of a number → Math.pow(base, exp);

📌 Conditions & Loops: ✅ IF condition → if (condition) { ... } ✅ Sum with condition → -> n > 10).sum(); ✅ Count with condition → -> n > 10).count();

📌 String Functions: ✅ Concatenate → String result = str1 + str2; ✅ Convert to uppercase → str.toUpperCase(); ✅ Convert to lowercase → str.toLowerCase(); ✅ Extract substring → str.substring(2, 5); ✅ Replace text → str.replace("old", "new"); ✅ Trim spaces → str.trim();

📌 Array & List Operations: ✅ Sort array (ascending) → Arrays.sort(arr); ✅ Sort array (descending) → Arrays.sort(arr, Collections.reverseOrder()); ✅ Reverse an array → Collections.reverse(Arrays.asList(arr)); ✅ Convert list to array → list.toArray(new Integer[0]); ✅ Convert array to list → Arrays.asList(arr);

📌 Number Functions: ✅ Check even/odd → (num % 2 == 0) ✅ Find factorial → factorial(n) { return (n == 0) ? 1 : n * factorial(n - 1); } ✅ Check prime number → isPrime(n) { for (int i = 2; i

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