Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
This video highlights the dangers of getting involved in fake investment schemes. Scammers often lure you with promises of quick profits, but as soon as you invest more money, they disappear with your hard earned money. Always be cautious and avoid unverified sources promoting "cheap stocks."
Report cyber related scams to 📞 1930 or
#I4C #AapkaCyberDost #InvestmentScam #StopThinkTakeAction #InvestmentScheme #ReportCybercrime
VC :- ShortsBreal
This video highlights the dangers of getting involved in fake investment schemes. Scammers often lure you with promises of quick profits, but as soon as you invest more money, they disappear with your hard earned money. Always be cautious and avoid unverified sources promoting "cheap stocks."
Report cyber related scams to 📞 1930 or
#I4C #AapkaCyberDost #InvestmentScam #StopThinkTakeAction #InvestmentScheme #ReportCybercrime
VC :- ShortsBreal