🔤 If you are ready to join 5 - 10 odds VIP,
How to join our 5 - 10 Odds VIP premium channel and access the daily fixed matches on the maxbet tickets; Procedure ⬇️;
1. Choose a subscription package - weekly or monthly
2. Pick a convenient payment method - we have several local and international payment methods.
3. Ask for payment details and pay - we will share our own or our agents' account details. Send a reference payment screenshot and the sender name too for fast and easy to confirm
4. Join the premium channel once your payment is confirmed, you will be added to the league of extraordinary punters.
How to join our 5 - 10 Odds VIP premium channel and access the daily fixed matches on the maxbet tickets; Procedure ⬇️;
1. Choose a subscription package - weekly or monthly
2. Pick a convenient payment method - we have several local and international payment methods.
3. Ask for payment details and pay - we will share our own or our agents' account details. Send a reference payment screenshot and the sender name too for fast and easy to confirm
4. Join the premium channel once your payment is confirmed, you will be added to the league of extraordinary punters.